E-Commerce Platform Migration: A 10-Minute Guide to Moving Your Site

  • April 15, 2024
  • Post By: issadmin
E-Commerce Platform Migration

There could be a plethora of reasons for moving your e-commerce to a new platform. You might want to grow your e-commerce business with an upgrade in the platform. This blog about E-Commerce Platform Migration: A 10-Minute Guide to Moving Your Site can help you in understanding the steps in moving your site. You will get insights into what is e-commerce platform migration, its benefits, and finally, how to successfully migrate your site. If you have any concerns about the process of e-commerce platform migration, connect with our e-commerce development company in Dubai to effectively complete the mission.

What Is E-commerce Platform Migration?

It is also known as e-commerce re-platforming and it is the transfer of an e-commerce business website from one place to another. This procedure mainly includes the moving of site data, content on the website, and certain integrations to the new platform.

Benefits of Replatforming

E-commerce platform migration helps in meeting the changes in online business. There are an array of benefits that are offered in re-platforming of your business. So if you are thinking about enhancing the performance of your website, and improving the overall efficiency of the business by keeping the technology and features updated, a platform migration is what you need to get you more opportunities to grow and flourish your business in this competitive market. Seek our e-commerce web development Dubai to acquire maximum benefits in migrating your e-commerce. Some of the prime benefits while re-platforming your website are discussed in the following.

Higher Conversion Rates

You have many opportunities to bring an attractive factor to the site while re-platforming so that the shoppers are visually attracted to your website. You can make an appealing and modern site that improves the experience of the shoppers. This will provide them with a better experience of shopping with your services and products.

Higher Average Order Value

A new platform can open doors with new tools for convincing customers to spend more time on their site. It’s like you can compliment their shopping with extra shopping opportunities. You can offer them relevant additional products that are usually purchased by other shoppers, discounts on higher orders, and available offers.

High Revenue With Sales

Many businesses are focusing on combining both B2B and B2C on a single platform. Instead of hosting separate sites for B2C and B2B, you can migrate your online site to a single platform that helps you to serve both parties. You can also offer differentiated discounts, offers, pricing, payment, and shipping that depends on the user.

Improved Profit

Back office inefficiencies can be challenging and expensive for businesses. Moving to a new platform can simplify operations and an integrated back-end ERP system can streamline the activities by reducing the process sales work by maintaining the efficiency of the site.

How to Migrate Your Site to a New E-commerce Platform

E-commerce platform migration can provide more opportunities to enhance your business. You can seek the professional help of our e-commerce web development team to successfully manage the moving of your e-commerce platform. Here is a step by step guidance on how to effectively migrate your e-commerce platform.

Plan Your E-commerce Platform Migration

Migration of your e-commerce platform needs accurate planning. Firstly, the procedures of migration include outlining every process that is included in re-platforming. Make a note of why you want to change the site, and what changes you want to bring to the new site.

Classify Your Present Content

To successfully move everything over to your new site, you must organize all the content you want to move over from your old site. Then, make an outline on the pages and point out the location. This can help in keeping track of the content as you migrate it to another platform.

Complete Designs

Make sure the designs are already complete when you start moving your data, the next step is to back up your site. This process will help if anything wrong happen during the migration of e-commerce data.

Move the Data

You can now commence the migration of the data by testing it to ensure everything is okay. If it is a positive sign, you can proceed with e-commerce data migration. You can use any file transfer protocol (FTP) agent to move status files. You can import the database to the new platform if you have a site that runs on the database. Migration procedures will be more involved if the structure of the new platform is different from the old platform.

Connect Emails and Tools

Once you have moved your content, you can then connect the tools that are used in the site like chatbot services, email, shipping platform, and checkout platform. Back up the messages and contacts of your email before your move to the next step.

Website Testing

Do some necessary test orders to confirm the working conditions of the new site before making it live. Ensure that the new site is connected with a well-made payment processing system. Moreover, work on the bugs before users visit your site for your product and services.

Launch the New Site

You are ready to launch your new site once the content is moved and everything is set up. It will be preferable to live your site with few online customers. Check the pages on the site after the launch to ensure the right working conditions. Prepare for the bugs as you can encounter bugs any time you make changes on the website. Make sure you are ready to clear the issues to make smooth transitions. Also, keeping the backup of the old site for some time would be helpful for the new site.

To reiterate, the process of e-commerce platform migration can be daunting but it can help you in building up your long-term success of business. You have to meet the requirements of the users in order to thrive in the e-commerce market. Build more tools and functionalities to make the delivery process easier which can drive more revenue. You can contact Inter Smart, our e-commerce website development Dubai to provide efficient service in moving your e-commerce platform.

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