B2B Sales Leads: 5 Tips for Generating More of Them

B2B Sales Leads are qualified leads that can be contacted and sold to by sales professionals. It is difficult to generate high-quality leads that will convert into customers. However, if done properly, it will assist your business in outperforming the competition and growing significantly. Quality is one of the most essential factors to consider. If you simply increase the number of leads without qualifying them, you will end up spinning your wheels more. However, if you can increase your lead volume by 20% without sacrificing quality, your business will generate 20% more revenue.

Lead generation is a difficult endeavor. 85% of B2B marketers cite lead generation as their primary obstacle. Here are the five most effective strategies for generating as many new B2B sales lead as possible. In order to achieve sales and business goals, it is essential to find a large number of high-quality leads. In the same way that you do not want to receive leads from people who are not seriously considering your services, you also do not want to receive leads from people who are not at all interested in what you have to offer. Using these 5 years methods, you will be in a strong position to discover, qualify, and close B2B sales lead almost instantly.

Tips for Generating More B2B Sales Leads

  1. Optimize SEO

Utilize SEO to Boost Website Traffic. Utilize search engine optimization (SEO) to place your website at the top of Google’s search results. You must target keywords that people enter to describe your product or service. Setting up lead capture on a page can increase SEO-generated sales leads.

It is not a wise decision to attempt to manipulate Google’s algorithms to rank poorly-written content highly. Since Google search is constantly evolving, you should instead focus on creating excellent content. To improve your SEO ranking, create quality backlinks through guest blogging or other means. You should also understand which keywords are essential and create content around them. You can get in touch with the best SEO services in Dubai for further information.

The following is a brief list of effective SEO optimization tools:

  1. Hit Tail
  2. Serpstat
  3. Ahrefs
  4. SEO book
  5. Google search console
  6. Google Analytical Services
  7. Moz Scrape Box
  • Run paid Online ads

Increasing traffic through paid advertisements is a straightforward process, but depending on your sector and the level of competition, it may also become complex and expensive. Make sure that you target sales leads by looking at the volume of user intent searches and the keyword search volumes.

Lead generation ads, which allow you to collect email addresses, are available on both Facebook and Twitter. Unfortunately, the results you get may differ from one content promotion strategy to another. Be sure to direct visitors coming to your site from social media to dedicated landing pages where they can sign up for your email list. Another method for gathering email addresses is to make it possible for people to sign up for your newsletter directly from your Facebook page.

  • Promote Yourself on Social Media

You will be able to reach and engage with a greater number of leads if you participate in relevant groups on Facebook and LinkedIn. In order to start conversations, ask thought-provoking questions, and feel free to respond to any comments that have already been made.

  • Use Marketing Automation 

Put marketing automation to work for you by following up with leads. After you have collected customers’ email addresses, you can use marketing automation software to divide and categorize those customers, after which you can send targeted messages to those customers in an effort to convert them. Leads that are currently in the marketing funnel have the potential to be converted by the sales team into Sales Qualified Leads (SQLs). You may also make use of outbound automation software, which will assist you in sending personalized emails at scale and will automatically nurture these leads into SQLs.

  • Earn More Positive Reviews

Before making a purchase, 87 percent of B2B decision-makers search online for reviews written in an honest manner. If you have satisfied customers who leave positive reviews, you should be able to increase the number of leads you receive. Customers who give a high Net Promoter Score (NPS) are satisfied with the product or service more often.

You can become an expert in B2B sales lead generation with the assistance of a Digital Marketing company in Dubai. They are particularly proud of the fact that we have created a platform that can accommodate businesses of any size and at any stage of their development. The platform can assist you in making the most of your budget and generating the leads that are important to your company, regardless of how sophisticated your strategy may be. Get in touch with them if you want more information about the services as they are the best SEO company.

How Much Should a Website Cost in 2022?

In the blink of an eye, technologies are rising in all sectors. Websites are getting higher demand passing each year. The growth of the digital world expands more and more opportunities for entrepreneurs and businesses. So make use of every opportunity the digital world offers for an expanded presence throughout the digital media. The website is a furnished door with many opportunities leading ways to different outcomes. A website should be well-planned for the applications and functions to work as planned. Before creating a website, you should have a clear plan for the goals of the design, and a budget that allows your proper functions. So you must be wondering where to find a creative website. We are a web development company in UAE, with an expert team that designs your dream creatively. Wondering How Much Should a Website Cost in 2022? Here is a blog to clear up all your questions.

How much does a website cost?

A website can cost variedly with different features. It doesn’t matter if you are an online or offline company, every firm needs a website irrespective of whether it is a small or large business. The cost of creating a website will always grow just like your sales after building up a website.

A brief price summary for different website features is mentioned below:

Website feature Price 
Designs included on the pages $10,000 – $160,000 per design
Maintenance of the website $200 – 50,000 per year
Digital Marketing in the website $1,500 – $13,000 per month
Design services $0 – $8,000 per design
Maintenance services $0 – $3,500 per year

How much does a website for a business cost?      

Different types of businesses require varied websites. Not every business needs a lot of the pages that shopping sites have. Just like that, shopping sites don’t have to be detailed as the corporates. Every aspect creates a different type of outcome.

The table below indicates web designing cost and AMC for a different type of business in terms of pages it needs to be designed.

Type of Business   Web Designing Price   AMC
Small business(10-20 pages) $3,000 – $9,000 $300 – $1,200
Website for corporates (20-70 pages) $9,000 – $35,000 $2,000 – $15,000
Website for Ecommerce (250+ pages) $5,000 – $50,000 $15,000 – $30,000
Website for Database Driven business

(30-1000 pages)

$6,000 – $60,000 $20,000 – $60,000

Whether you are designing a brand new website or redesigning the old one, it should have the latest technology that people wish to engage with design. How Much Should a Website Cost in 2022? You have got an idea from the above that mentions the prices of developing a website for different businesses. So save your money efficiently. There are website-building programs to let you design your own website, but it has their own advantages and limitations.

  • Domain name

A domain name is the web address for your brand, it is how people find and recognize you on the world wide web. It should be simple, and unique that can be accessed easily. Having a domain name that is related to your services is a plus. On average it can cost $10- $20 per year.

  • SSL Certificate

A secure sockets layer or Public key certificate is a digital certificate that verifies identity and data are encrypted. It makes an encoded link between the browser and the server. To secure online transactions, to protect the privacy and data of the clients from hacking or any sort of malfunction. It can range from $5- $1000 per year on average. It depends on the security requirements of the website.

  • Website Hosting

Web hosting provides secure and stable storage spaces. The website needs hosting to turn the website online and access the files. The hosting plan reserves a space for your website on the server. On average it can start from $800- $5000 per month.

  • UI

Web design includes all the designs in a website that are visualized in digital media. Rather than software development, it defines the user experience features in the development of the website.

We provide website development in Dubai with experts who create unique and creative web pages that accompany smooth with your brand signature. A  website can help users to spot everything under one roof. So make sure your website contains every detail your costumes are searching for. On average, designing a web on your own will cost you 4,000 INR to 50, 000 INR. Designing a shopping site can cost much higher based on pages. Select a creative team that suits your budget and qualities.

  • Content management system

CMS is a program that assists users to create, manage, and alter the content on a website without the knowledge of technical aspects. It expands the customers’ online experience. Moreover, it allows users to individually create, edit, and produce content digitally. For instance, creating blog posts, content that can be altered, etc are included in the content management system. The prices of CMS can get varied according to the features and functionality. Small businesses may only need to pay $10 per month. The content management system includes two parts called management application which allows you to manage and add content then the delivering application that stores your content and shares it with your followers.

We are a professional Web designing company in Dubai that aims in creating designs that go along with the principles of your brand. By uniquely combining the design elements with client requirements. If you are thinking about a creative as well as cost-effective website designer, we are always in your assistance to raise your brand to heights. We aim to design a website that you are 100% happy with.

In conclusion, a website helps the user to seek the services the brand offers in a convenient way. Estimating the cost of designing a website is the hardest trial because different website developers rate the designs differ in aspects of their experience, premium quality, design aspects, the complexity of the design plan, and so on. So it is applicable to seek website developing companies individually to know their rates to compare.

What is a Marketing Plan and How To Create One?

One of the biggest expenses for most businesses is typically marketing as it can take the business to new heights. It helps to turn the business goals into reality as it can be used to define more effective promotions and impactful campaigns and track the success of the business with analytics. This blog details what is a marketing plan and how to create one.

Digital marketing companies in Dubai help to create a winning marketing plan for the business. Digital marketing services in Dubai help align the marketing objectives and activities and gain valuable performance data for future reference.

What is a Marketing Plan? 

To generate leads and reach its target audience, a marketing plan is an operational document that businesses use to organize, execute, and track their marketing strategy for their products or services. It could be applicable for the coming year, quarter, or month as it details the outreach and PR campaigns to be undertaken over a given period. Various marketing squads across the company will be working towards the same business goals while including different marketing strategies.

To keep on track and measure the success of the campaigns, it is recommended to write down the strategies of a marketing plan in an organized manner. A marketing plan typically includes the key performance indicators that they will be tracking and a timeline of when the tasks within their strategy will be completed. As it is based on the company’s overall marketing strategy, it also includes the metrics that measure the results of marketing efforts and their reporting timelines.

What is the Importance of a Marketing Plan? 

For acquiring new customers and selling more products and services, a Marketing plan serves as a way to analyze how successful the efforts of marketing have been so far. It lays out the business strategy helping to steer ongoing campaigns in the right direction and ensures that future campaigns are targeted better concerning product development, market development, sales promotion, and profitability.

The marketing plan keeps the business organized and helps to head it in the right direction. Creating a marketing plan helps to foster productivity, focus, and consistency. It would provide a solid picture for the growth of the business as everything a business does is feeding into a bigger picture and is in line with its strategic direction. If it remains consistent, it will help to formulate new ideas, set a reputation, and meet deadlines.

A marketing plan helps to identify and reach out to the target market which is another reason why developing a marketing plan is important for the business. This helps the business person to understand how to meet their requirements. Figuring out the target market helps the person to understand how to reach them, what they need, and what they would respond well to. Businesses would be able to position their brand or services as a marketing plan that identifies the competitors, their strength, and also their weakness.

Marketing glues the skills of the business to the results as they help businesses make sales. The customer first needs to know more about the product even if the company has a great offering to buy from them. The most fundamental element of the business is the process of selling and developing a marketing plan, it will enable them to see how the product or service will need to be sold. It helps to make sales easier as marketing aims to understand the customer well so that the product or service fits them satisfactorily.

Types of Marketing Plans 

Marketing strategy is the organization’s technique to acquire its intended new consumers. It constitutes different marketing tactics across the company working towards the business goals together. Choosing the right marketing plan is important depending upon the type of product as it gives a solid foothold in the marketplace. It ensures the success of the company by promoting a specific product to the target audience. The given below are some classifications of marketing plans:

  • Direct Marketing 

To deliver the products directly to the customer the company, make use of direct marketing to promote their product and services. It can be carried out through various channels such as over the phone, TV and radio commercials, or printed materials. To deliver this kind of marketing, the methods used are email, interactive websites, mobile messaging, direct mail pieces that are addressed to specific clients, fliers, and public advertisement.

  • Indirect Marketing 

Indirect marketing is a passive or assertive marketing strategy that focuses less on promoting a brand, products, or services. This type of marketing puts more focus on the company to attract potential customers with a gentle approach. They keep the name of the company in front of the public and are carried through various indirect channels such as blogging, social media, or referrals. It is relatively cost-effective as its strategies include donating to charities or sponsoring any events.

  • Cause Marketing 

A form of indirect marketing that involves a collaboration between a non-profit organization and a profitable business on social issues or causes can be referred to as cause marketing. For the nonprofit partner, it increases brand awareness as they are getting a small business to partner with them. On the other hand, profit businesses can improve their corporate image, increase brand loyalty, and build a relationship with the community through this type of marketing.

  • Relationship Marketing 

It is a strategy of customer relationship management that emphasizes customer satisfaction and the company’s gratitude for the customer. It is often used by software companies and car dealerships as it market to the current customers versus new customer acquisition through advertising and sales. It is rooted in building customer loyalty and often involves offering discounts to new customers, offering them low-cost upgrades to products they have already purchased, etc.

  • Social Media Marketing 

To market products and services and to engage with existing customers, social media marketing is another type of strategy used to market through Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram as it is one of the most well-liked forms of marketing. This type of marketing is best for raising awareness and for boosting sales as social media today is so ubiquitous. These platforms are extremely important for businesses as this type of marketing has transformed the way businesses can influence the behavior of the consumer.

How to Create a Marketing Plan? 

Objectives, research, competitors, and content are the basic building blocks of any good marketing plan. To create a marketing plan, the business person should first research the market to understand its strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities. This helps to refine the marketing strategy and identify where they are positioned in the market. They should then set the main business goals and outline the marketing strategies.

The business person must choose marketing activities that suit their customers well. To help reach the message, choosing multiple activities that complement each other is a good way. Setting the marketing budget is important as it is critical for the success of the business. It is also important to keep the marketing plan up to date for analyzing the results and being aware of new marketing trends. As the market grows and changes, the business person should change their plan and create a new one.

A seasoned digital marketing company in Dubai like Inter Smart IT Solutions can help businesses to create a solid marketing plan that results in effective campaigns.

Tips to boost business through your Website

A website is a great tool that can yield more sales and audiences. You need to have a creative yet simple website marketing strategy that combines the goals of having a website and the aims that are to be achieved. To promote business through a website, first, you have to have an exemplary website that can catch the eye of the beholder. After getting the website ready, the next step is to promote your service through the website. There are many ways in which you can enhance your business through your online signature.

Tips to boost business through your Website are further explained in detail to enhance your business. But first, let’s get you to know more about website marketing which combines the idea of making an exceptional website.

Website marketing to enhance your business

It elevates the traffic to your website with potential customers. Website marketing is a way of promoting a brand’s website using definite goal-oriented strategies to make full use of online media and reach an audience that might be interested in your service and products. To get ahead of the online competition, it is better to use a website marketing strategy to make your business stand out among your competitors.

With a lot of businesses having their own website, you have to create an exceptional website that stands out. Accurate information is to be briefed on the website to make it easy for the people who come across your website. It is also vital to add your contact information that will be convenient for the seekers to contact your services. Make sure you have a domain name that either describes your services or anything related to your production. It will make it easier for people to find your website faster when they search for your services online.

If you need professional assistance in growing your brand, we are one of the finest digital marketing companies in Dubai.

Promotion through website

A website is an ample way to promote your business and services. Here are some Tips to boost business through your Website.

  1. Build trust through websites- It is vital to add authentic and valuable information rather than false information on the website regarding your services. A person who is in front of your website should know the information they are seeking.
  2. Web design that can engage more audience- Use high-quality content and images that reflect the standard of the products and services that you offer. To engage the audience visiting your page has to get a visual that encourages them to stay on the website. If the contents are engaging there is a chance for the visitor to visit again for any information. When a visitor stops by your website and sees a clutter of fonts and images that are not clear can leave a bad effect on the customer. It is a competitive world, and there are a lot of companies that provide the same. So it is essential to catch the audience for the long term by designing a creative website that contains all the information that the customer is seeking.

For a website to create a presence, it has to be designed beautifully. We are a Web Designing Company in Dubai that can create a visual design that attracts the audience.

Want to know more about web design trends? Read our latest blog on web design trends to get the latest trending ideas for web design.

  1. Ecommerce- It is great to purchase while sitting in your comfort zone. A website can add an e-commerce page where the audience can access the product they are seeking to purchase. It can be a great help for the business that is producing commodities to directly access the customers through the website. Creating an easy checkout process that lets the buyer get the product purchased in very little time can actually save the customer to buy more. Adding partners and previous works can help the ones seeking your website get a clear idea of how things get done.
  2. Online presence- There should be something to attract visitors again and again. Making it simple and convenient for the customers to understand your services and products. Having an online presence that creates an idea of production is convenient for the customers to come back again.

Stuck on the ranking of your website? Here is a blog on ways to improve ranking to help you enhance your profile.

  1. Build two-way communication channels- Engage the audience by communicating with them through the website. There is a communication tab to talk with the supporters when exploring the website which is really helpful to engage the customers with talks that are informative and promotes your brand awareness.
  2. Reviews to let the audience know about the services- Reviews provide a clear idea for the audience visiting the site about the services that you do good. We don’t expect all the reviews to be good. But getting every customer to review your product can actually be beneficial in building the confidence for the customer to buy the product from your company.
  3. Customer support team- The support team can get back to the customers which can build a good feeling with the customers. A website is useful to hear out the customers and make more sales and growth by canceling the drawbacks can bring actual growth in your customers.

If you want more information, this blog will get you the basics of maintaining a website for business in this competitive world.

The above Tips to boost business through your Website will let you get the basic ideas you should know while thinking about promoting your business to a wider audience. It will help you enhance your business in a simple way by creating a simple and clear website. Your main aim should be more ways of building your brand with informative, eye-catching, interactive, and engaging website with factual content. As you continue promoting your brand in many ways, remember, a simple and informative website can make an online signature for your brand.


Why Every Business Need A Website

Your website is the most significant digital asset in your business. But why are websites so important, and what do they serve? Your website is the first place customers go to learn about products or services and to learn about your company. Your other internet presences, such as your social media page, are also crucial. Your website serves as your online home base. It’s also your digital sales agent, promoting your services 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Because of these factors, your website is essential to your marketing efforts as well as to the overall success of your business.

When you think about your website, whether you have one yet or not, the first question to ask is, what is the job of your website?

What Is A Website?

The website or site is the primary location of online pages that are connected to and accessible by using a browser to visit the home page of the website. A network of interconnected websites that use the same domain name and are open to the public. An individual, a group, a company, or an organisation can develop and manage a website for a variety of uses.

A website should contain the following:

  • A Domain Name

Users will enter your domain name as the website address to access your website.

  • Website Development

Your website must be developed. Usually, you will want it to be created on a platform called a content management system, which will let you make quick changes to your website’s content anytime you want. Although it is a one-time expense, this stage is typically the most expensive.

  • Website Hosting

Website hosting serves as the home of your website – it is the server space where your website’s data are stored. InterSmart UAE is a Web Designing Company in Dubai that provides a variety of options for small, growing, and extremely large websites. You won’t have to worry about switching hosts as your website expands.

  • Maintenance, Updates, and Backups

You may choose to pay someone monthly or yearly to handle platform and update maintenance, frequent backups, and other small website maintenance. InterSmart, a Web Development Company in Dubai provides upgrades, daily backups, and 24/7 support to assist in fixing server issues.

Benefits Of Using A Website

Listed below are a few benefits of using a website.

  • Your website creates a digital identity for you
  • Boosts the trust you have in your customers
  • Building credibility through a website
  • Your brand identity is created through your website
  • A good website is simple for users to access
  • Helps you develop relationships with your clients
  • You can enhance customer service
  • Send out updates and announcements to your customers
  • A place to display your work
  • Customers can make simple purchases Or schedule appointments
  • 24/7 available to your clients.
  • Give discounts and recommendations
  • Enhances sales
  • A social media marketing anchor
  • Having a website can help you with search engine results
  • Google maps website integration will improve your ability to find customers
  • Aids in recruitment
  • Saves time

Why Every Business Needs A Website?

  • A Website Enhances Your Professional Image

Customers think that having a website enhances your company’s credibility more than just having social media profiles. You can create a branded email address by having your website.

  • A Website Boosts Your Visibility

Any reputable firm is required to have an online presence. Clients are likely to be doubtful of any company that does not have a phone number, a physical address, a website, or an email address. These are excellent tools for communicating essential company information with clients and answering all of their queries. Furthermore, having a high-quality, user-friendly website makes clients feel more at ease while using your services since they will think they can have the same great experience across your organisation.

  • Google Can Assist You In Attracting New Visitors To Your Website

Even though you might be happy with the size of your company right now, every company has customer loss. You must draw in new customers to ensure continuing success, and one of the best ways to achieve this is to raise your profile on Google. Google monitors social media networks, and users can find social media postings via the search engine, but a website gives you access to a lot more tools and Search Engine Optimization(SEO) strategies.

  • You Can Display Your Entire Goods And Services Through The Website

Using high-quality images on your website will let customers see what they can expect from working with you. To give them an impression of what it’s like to visit your actual area, you can also use the layout of your website and your featured images. If your brand and the “feel” of your place are closely connected, this method is extremely powerful.

  • You Can Prominently Feature Your Website’s Best Customer Feedback And Testimonials

Displaying your best reviews and/or testimonials prominently on your website is a smart way to develop social proof. One method to do this may be through individualised client testimonials. Posting your best ratings on your website has the added benefit of creating a permanent record. This means that even if independent review websites fail in the future, you will still have access to your best reviews.

  • You Can Also Include Google Maps Into Your Website To Make It Easier For Customers To Discover You

When using a website, maps may be directly included in your content. Some businesses’ home pages already have a map embedded. A map that is incorporated on the page will make it straightforward for people who don’t usually visit your area to discover your business.


A good website would almost surely assist any company, regardless of industry or scenario. The real question is what the organisation wants and requires from its website, as well as what goals it has for its online presence. The website should be structured to accomplish these goals, such as providing the greatest shopping experience, the easiest menu to browse and order from, or a straightforward rate comparison tool. Any demand should be able to be met by the website. If that is done, the necessity for the business to have a significant online presence is almost certainly inevitable.

If you wish to employ skilled developers then you are at the right place. We welcome you to our world to talk about your concept, be it anytime. Intersmart UAE is a top web designing company in Dubai where we can give you all the support you can get and need to launch your dreams.

SEO Audit Tools:7 Best SEO Audit Tools to Use

Every website owner needs to perform routine SEO audits. They enable you to recognise and address the main problems that could negatively affect your search engine results. However, personally examining all of your pages could take a while. The procedure can be automated with the use of SEO audit tools, which also guarantee that all crucial elements are examined. When we examine the world as a whole, SEO services in Dubai are crucial, and Intersmart is here to guide you every step of the way.

We’ve compiled a list of the top seven SEO audit tools to assist you in selecting the one that best suits your needs. These software solutions will offer the insight-driven improvements you need to succeed, whether you’re auditing for technical, on-page, or off-page SEO. The top 7 SEO audit tools and how they can improve your search engine performance are highlighted in this post by Intersmart, providing you with the best SEO service in Dubai. So it’s here, SEO Audit Tools:7 Best SEO Audit Tools to Use.

7 Best SEO Tools

Every digital marketer should know how to conduct an SEO audit by going through all of the crucial Google ranking variables. By completely scanning your website and assisting you in prioritising the most crucial adjustments and optimization opportunities, the right SEO audit tool makes this simple. SEO services in Dubai have a greater need because of your growing business, contact us right away.

  1. SEMrush

In terms of search engine marketing and optimization software, SEMrush is a market leader. A technical SEO audit tool, an on-page SEO checker, and backlink auditing capabilities are among the platform’s auditing tools.

  • When to Use It

SEMrush is one of the top software programmes for checking the SEO effectiveness of your website. SEMrush is one of the few solutions that offers powerful capabilities for all three categories of SEO audits, whereas some of the other options on this list just concentrate on technical, on-page, or off-page ranking aspects. Your website will be analysed by the technical site audit tool, which will find more than 130 distinct issues. There is also a backlink audit tool that can find harmful or low-quality connections, as well as an on-page SEO checker that makes sure your pages are optimised to rank for selected keywords.

  • Cost and Access

SEMrush is a fantastic tool for marketers who need to investigate their website SEO chances in-depth. Pricing for a single user licence starts at $99.95 a month, but there is also a free trial period where you can try out the platform with fewer features.

  1. Ahrefs

Ahrefs is one of the market leaders for all-in-one digital and search engine marketing solutions, along with SEMrush. The platform presents the findings of its technical, on-page, and off-page SEO audit tools using vivid and colourful visualisations.

  • When to Use It

Ahrefs is among the best tools for identifying various SEO problems that may arise across various sections of your website. It can be used by marketers to identify content quality concerns, diagnose performance difficulties, fix broken links, disavow spammy or toxic backlinks, and fix broken resources including photos, javascript, and CSS files. For marketers that prefer to use a single tool for thorough auditing, there is plenty of depth here.

  • Cost and Access

Depending on the number of user licences and features your team needs, subscription rates range from $99 per month to $999 per month. You may test out the platform for 7 days for just $7 before committing to a purchase.

  1. Moz

Digital marketers may run a thorough website audit using Moz, another excellent all-in-one SEO platform, to identify technical and SEO issues that are affecting their rankings. Similar to other all-inclusive systems, Moz provides tools for technical, on-page, and off-page SEO auditing.

  • When to Use It

Digital marketers who need to audit every part of the performance of their websites will find Moz to be quite useful as an SEO audit tool. Even if you wind up needing more specialised tools to dive down and fix the most enduring technical issues, an all-in-one audit tool is a wonderful beginning point for discovering concerns. On this list, Moz has one of the most powerful on-page optimization tools. We also like how you can schedule recurring crawls, track changes over time in issues, and even check the effects of changes on desktop vs. mobile devices.

  • Cost and Access

Before paying, you may try out Moz’s SEO audit tool for a full 30 days. The entry-level subscription plan is $99 per month.

  1. PageSpread Insights

PageSpeed Insights, another free tool from Google, is the real deal when it comes to locating, diagnosing, and really resolving SEO mistakes that are affecting your Google Search rankings.

  • When to Use It

Page speed has a high correlation with overall user experience, which in turn influences variables like click-through rate and bounce rate, which have an immediate impact on SEO. You should use Google PageSpeed Insights to assess your website if you see high bounce rates or low click-through rates on your web pages as a result of slow page speed and lengthy loading times.

  • Cost and access

Google offers PageSpeed Insights as a free tool.

  1. Screaming Frog

Users can use a software made by Screaming Frog called SEO spider to crawl a website and find technical and on-page SEO issues. Even though SEO Spider is not an all-encompassing tool, it excels at identifying technical SEO problems on websites of all sizes.

  • When to Use It

Digital marketers can detect duplicate pages, broken links, link problems, 301 redirects, poorly optimised HTML tags, and a variety of other technical and on-page SEO issues across a maximum of 500 URLs with the free edition of SEO spider. Even additional features, such as sophisticated integrations with Google Analytics and Google Search Console and more customization choices, are available in the SEO Spider’s commercial edition.

  • Cost and access

There is a free version, however users can only crawl 500 URLs in it. You must buy a single-user licence, which starts at £149/year, in order to access more RAM, storage, and features.

  1. Alexa’s Site Audit Tool

In the past, Alexa ran its own “Alexa Rank” website rating system that assigned a popularity score to each and every website on the Internet. Alexa now offers SEO analysis tools for marketers and digital marketing firms after being purchased by Amazon.

  • When to Use It

Alexa’s site audit tool is a potent, all-in-one platform that was created specifically to compete with other tools that offer thorough SEO auditing, like Moz and SEMrush. Users may check for technical SEO flaws, discover and rank the most crucial keywords to target, improve on-page SEO and keyword targeting, build and audit a backlink profile, and even evaluate search traffic with this SEO audit tool, which provides end-to-end capabilities.

  • Cost and access

For its SEO audit tool, Alexa provides various different payment choices. The whole marketing stack of SEO tools is accessible to digital marketers for $149 per month, and there is a free 14-day trial option so you can try it out before committing.

  1. Google Search Console 

Why not use Google’s own webmaster tools to get at least some of your comments if you are reviewing your SEO to raise your ranks with Google? You can carry out an SEO audit using Google Search Console as your tool.

  • When to Use It

The Google Search Console ought to be set up on your website if it is not already. Many of the same diagnostic features found in costly SEO tools are available with this straightforward website plug-in, completely free. While keeping an eye on the progress of every single page you publish in the index, you will be able to spot crawl issues and blacklisted URLs on your website. GSC assists you with organising structured data and optimising HTML on your website, including headers, meta descriptions, and title tags, under the optimization tab.

  • Cost and access

Anyone with a website is welcome to use Google Search Console, which is a free SEO audit tool.

Although SEO is becoming more competitive, site owners now have more tools at their disposal, making it simpler to make sure they are doing everything possible to optimize their own websites. Examine a few of the tools in this manual to find which ones work best for you. Numerous have identical functions and can even be utilised in tandem. You might discover that some are a better fit because everyone has different preferences for design and workflow. Contact Intersmart right away for additional information about SEO services in Dubai; we are available to assist you. Talk to our experts today at [email protected].

How to Make Money from a Website?

Though most people love the concept of making money from a website, the idea of it may sound unrealistic. It isn’t all that difficult and even sites can make a few bucks that don’t have a lot of traffic. It can be used to supplement the income if. a person whether they have a personal blog or operating an online business. The possibility of making money online can increase if a large number of people visit their sites. This blog details how to make money from a website.

Anyone can make money from a website which is the best part most people associate it with. The startup costs for running a website are very low when it is compared with other businesses. All other business other than this requires more money to get started. For a person to begin there are many strategies for potential monetization. Most importantly, only minimal overhead is required to get started.

A person who makes money from websites has got a lot more privileges. They don’t need to get out of their comfort zone as they can make money by sitting at home. With only a computer in their hand, they can earn pretty well. Also, they don’t need to buy equipment, office space, or hire staff. They do not have to meet costly expenses. The person can have a site up and running within minutes by leveraging resources like website builders and it is not necessary that they need to be a web developer or technology expert.

A person who makes money through a website will have too many tools at their disposal and they do not have to worry about buying inventory, shipping, storage, and retaining good connections with clients. They will have all the freedom in their work and can decide whether to do it as a part-time job in addition to their regular job or turn it into a proper career. They can use it to pay for their living expenses since there is no limit to the amount of money they can make from a website.

Web development UAE offers services in website development, digital marketing, e-commerce development, and much more. They provide enduring methods to earn money through websites. The following are some of the ways to make money from a website:

Selling Digital Products and Services 

To open a new revenue stream, selling digital products and services is a better way as it is hassle-free and the cost is low. An individual can use the website for selling a digital product rather than a physical one as they don’t require packaging or expensive overhead. Creating, marketing, and selling digital products and services is overwhelming to the person, and can make more money on a per-scale basis if they have the potential to sell their product directly.

Since there is no middleman or person in between, the approach is fairly straightforward and they can simply sell their items through the website. They can get the payment immediately and is an excellent option for anyone who is an expert in that particular field. Compared to the physical store, online marketplaces and e-commerce tools are relatively inexpensive and the person can produce plenty of digital items using their time, concentration, and energy.

There are hundreds of options available for digital products and services ranging from ebooks to online courses to coaching or conference services. The person can sell digital products such as printables, graphics, eBooks, templates, and podcasts while helping them to earn a passive income from the website. To share their knowledge, the person can conduct webinars, online classes, etc.

Affiliate Marketing

One of the most popular ways to make money from a website without worrying about selling anything is through affiliate marketing. Through affiliate marketing, an individual directs potential customers toward the site as it is an arrangement between the website and the company.

Affiliate marketing works by the individual finding a product they like and endorsing the product and promoting it to their website visitors and email subscribers. The viewers will click on the link and purchase the product if it resonates with them. Based on their referrals, they earn a commission in exchange for traffic and sales.

The person can talk directly or sign up with an existing affiliate program to get started from a specific brand. When mentioning the products or services they can then include the affiliate link. A person can find affiliate marketing as a more lucrative option as it links neatly with their content and the users are more tolerant of this marketing.

Selling Ad Space 

Another popular way to make money online is by selling ad space on the website. The person can select the types of ads to be displayed on the website when they join an advertising network like Google AdSense to get started. These tools are important as they give complete control over the advertisements.

Apart from Google AdSense, another way to sell their own ad space is the companies directly who are looking to sponsor different blogs. It puts the person in a stronger position though it requires a bit more legal work on their part. They can negotiate a higher payout per click.

The payment is usually done depending on how many visitors they usually get. It is one of the simplest ways to make money as the person receives a commission from the advertisers each time when someone clicks through to their advert from their web page. For selling ad space, the publishers should have more visitors to be attractive to their site and should sell high-quality content to keep the readers coming back for more.

Sponsored Posts 

Sponsored posts are done by the website owner and they get paid by the company, businesses, and brands when they publish them on their site. They reach out to the advertiser when their site grows in popularity to reach a wider audience to promote their brand. It should be declared that the post is sponsored and they should make sure that they are posting only relevant content. Simply by featuring another brand, a person can earn a lot of money by providing their visitors with relevant and engaging content. Depending on the website’s popularity, they can earn a lot of money.

The person should select a niche to target a specific group of people. When a website is set up, trying to target everybody will not win the race as it is not possible to tailor their content to everyone. It is a crucial thing as it will help them establish a brand image and unique brand voice. They should create strong content as it will get impacted by the type of website they have. The blogs should be regularly published on an e-commerce site while the affiliate blogger need not worry about product images or descriptions.

The person can make more money if they drive more people to their websites. Getting traffic to their site is the most challenging part no matter what monetization strategy they have adopted. With many options available, a website can do more and can be used to supplement income. Inter Smart IT Solutions is one of the leading Web designing companies in Dubai that can help a person to establish their website to enjoy the benefits of a residual income.

The experts at a web development company in Dubai provide a detailed guide on how to start and maintain their website.

Questions You Need To Ask Before Hiring SEO Services

Search Engine Optimization or SEO is the practice of increasing organic traffic on the Search Engine Results Page (SERP). It is also known as organic search or listings. If you want to rank number one for all the keywords, you need to apply SEO to increase your rank.

SEO evaluates how search engines work, the computer-programmed algorithms that control search engine behaviour, what people search for, the actual search phrases or keywords entered into search engines, and which search engines are chosen by their potential customers. When websites rank higher on the SERP, the website receives more visitors from search engines as a result of SEO. These visitors could then be converted into clients.

Due to the widespread use of search engines as a primary source of finding information by customers, SEO has become critical in almost every business in today’s world. SEO may not always be cost-effective, but when it is, it can make or break a business. That’s why you must ask the right questions before you hire an SEO service. Here are 5 questions to ask before hiring SEO services.

Do You Use Other Digital Marketing Strategies?

Other than search engine optimisation(SEO) many other strategies can be adapted for the growth of the business. They are listed below:

  • Content Marketing: The business reaches customers or connects the customers through content marketing. Content marketing can be done through videos, images, blogs, text content, etc.
  • Video Marketing: Through video marketing, announcement and event videos help to increase the company’s growth and expansion.
  • Social Media Marketing: Businesses are done through social media considering customers and social media platform preferences. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc are a few examples.
  • Voice SEO: Companies obtain existing and new content through voice search. The response to the voice search can be in the form of website results, audio responses like from Siri etc.
  • Email Marketing: It’s a great strategy for enhancing brand recognition, maintaining your company at the top list of customers and encouraging repeat purchases.
  • PPC: PPC as in pay-per-click is paid advertising which is a very cost-effective and powerful online marketing strategy.

Does SEO Really Relevant for Your Business

SEO benefits your company in a lot more ways than just getting top rankings. Since search engines generate the majority of website traffic, SEO gives you the chance to focus your marketing efforts and deliver them to your potential customers where they are most likely to find you. Ranking high in relevant searches provides the following benefits to your business:

  • SEO promotes your brand to your target markets.
  • SEO makes your company stand out from competitors.
  • SEO increases customer trust in your brand.
  • SEO helps in market behaviour research.

Could You Do SEO Yourself 

Below mentioned are the fundamental factors :

  • SEO Research: SEO research is no different from other approaches. Like the good approaches starts by researching and implementing a good strategy, SEO also does the same. You should do deep research before you decide to do SEO yourself.
  • Keyword Research: You do Keyword research when you need to decide what you need to look into and evaluate the popular search terms that the majority of your potential customers use when they are seeking the product they need online. These keywords or phrases help to identify what to include in your content to increase the rank and help to reach the potential customer.
  • On-site Optimisation: On-site SEO describes techniques you may use on your website to enhance its rank in SERPs. Code optimization, internal site structure, and dynamic content are all elements of on-site optimization.
  • Produce And Optimise Site Content: Creating content that is specially customised to your customers is the key to having your site optimised. You only need to regularly post genuine, simple-to-understand material. However, the most important aspect of content creation is consistency. You can add illustrations, videos, images etc, other than text content as most customers prefer to watch videos than text content.
  • Offsite Optimisation: Off-site optimisation refers to activities you can carry out outside of your website to increase its rating. Link building is the main component of off-site SEO to increase your Page Rank (PR).
  • Ongoing Analytics: It’s a very important fundamental factor in which you could track your records of SEO implementation.

If you have a strong handle on the above fundamental factors and you are up for performing regular updates to your content and your SEO strategy, then yes, you certainly can do SEO yourself.

Does Your Competitors Do SEO

Many companies do SEO Services. As SEO service is very popular in today’s world, the rush of using SEO services is huge. Getting a competitive edge by competing on SERPs can be successful. The best approach to investigate your competition is to use keyword research tools. If you are unsure of the keywords your potential customers are using, try searching for them on search engines like google, bing, etc. To understand how competitive a keyword is, use a SERP analysis tool. While this procedure might be time-consuming since you must continually go through an endless list of results, if it is done properly, it can provide you with a competitive advantage.

Do You Have The Budget To Hire SEO Services?

You must check your budget before your business considers hiring an SEO firm. If you have or do not have enough budget, make a comparison of your budget to the price of affordable SEO services. These comparisons might help you hire SEO services which are affordable according to your budget. Even if you do not have enough budget you can take small measures to maximise the performance of the strategy.

Always choosing the best SEO services can help you expand your company’s growth. Many SEO services in Dubai are the best and most affordable for your business. Intersmart UAE is a top SEO company in Dubai where you can find your key to a Successful Business. Make a decision wisely so that you won’t regret it later.

Effect of Social Media Marketing on Brand Awareness

To build a brand, one must have a social profile to engage the audience for better performance. Social media plays a major role because everything is accessible on social media and it’s a great communication tool too. Online media like Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and Tiktok, is the main source for reaching many people.

Knowing about social media marketing can be vital in growing your business or trading online. It helps to reach more audiences and creates a way to impress customers. Read more to know more about the Effect of Social Media Marketing on Brand Awareness.

Why Social Media Marketing?

It is a way of using strategies in marketing your business on social media. It is vital for every business to have social media because everyone expects it. The first thing one searches for after getting to know a brand is finding them on social media for more updates and the latest designs.

Social media has become an everyday task rather than a hobby for most people. That is why social media marketing is a crucial key in enhancing one’s business whether it is small or large. We use social media in marketing to showcase brands and businesses. Produce content that conveys the marketing of the business. There are many types of social media content.

Types of Social media Contents

There is social media content that depends on many other aspects. Contents can be Informative, Educational, promotional, Interactive, Entertaining, and newsworthy which are in the form of videos, posts, blogs, articles, stories, etc.

Let’s get to know more about social media content.


There is content that is offering information that may or may not be useful to you. Some introduce their product in an informative way to be of use to their customers.


Educational contents include information regarding educating about something.


Small businesses that need an audience to run their business promote their product through various creative methods through social media. Some influencers use brand promotion to introduce a new brand to their audience.


Online media is a great place to interact with many people. It is used for communicating with the audience.


Some content can be produced with the pure intention of entertaining people. This can be in the form of funny videos, memes, or posts that have fun content.


These contain content that is worthy of breaking news, it can be related to what is happening around us.

Confused about creating good content for your business? We are a social media marketing company in Dubai that can assist you in creating quality content.

Are your efforts in building up your small business online not working? Digital Marketing for small businesses in the UAE can help you.

Social Media Marketing Effects on Brand Awareness

Almost every business, big or small firms are utilizing social media to get maximum reach to their targeted audience. Therefore, brand awareness is increased as a fact of social media marketing. Social media is a cost-effective yet remarkable tool to create brand awareness. Since there are many businesses that are using online media, you can get content ideas and strategies that your competitive firms are using.

Brand awareness on online media can let you know more about your audience and the requirements the customers need for the effective use of your production.

If you are a real estate business owner and are confused about marketing it digitally, read this blog on Digital Marketing for real estate.

Designing a website and implementing some strategies can bring success to business, below mentioned some tips for you.

Tips to Make Your E-Commerce Business a Success

Start with good plans and strategies that commence with finding a suitable name for your business that keeps a keen brief and is also used to long last the impression. Selecting a domain or URL is also important. Once you get the URL, the next task for you to do is to find the best ECommerce platform for your business, by searching for the targeted audience. Meanwhile, your website should be like a self-introduction of your business. Plan everything before the launch of the E-Commerce of your business. Now, find the best strategies and audience that work to give a productive income.

Make a customary report based on testing what type of content is engaging for the clients. Create a necessary platform to let the customers comment on the product which helps other buyers to purchase the item.

To build a good foundation for your website, you have to design a brand logo that goes complementary with the name and presentation. A website is the best way to introduce your business to the audience.

We are a Digital Marketing Company in Dubai that can build you an amazing website and also help in giving out adequate strategies for your business to flourish.

Factors to Consider E-Commerce Website Development

Ecommerce is surely growing, but customers still get confused about whether to buy your product or the same product from a different brand. So a tip that stays top is to offer additional benefits to the user. For instance, giving them discounts, affordable pricing, free shipping, and complimentary gifts, and promotes the user to buy your item with ease.

Regular testing even if the business is running smoothly. It is vital to know what the customer needs and the trouble that’s getting on their nerves. Trying to get to know your customers and bringing new updates that help the customers to stay engaged.

Including social responses is a key factor to consider. Like, as reviews, public opinion on the products, and star ratings on the items, by allowing them to share the product picture from the audience let the online customers get a true quality or representation that gives clarification on your product.

Stay on top of SEO to get more growth for your business. Gather pieces of information and grow continuously to let your business fly higher by improving various aspects and bringing new updates to the product and its delivery.

To culminate, More and more business firms are entering the online web creating more traffic to the crowded space. So it is important to create an outstanding portfolio in your online media while using all the tools that it offers. And one of the best ways to create a face for your brand is through social media.

How to Design a Website for Your Business

Devoid of a web presence, it’s no longer possible to run a business. For everything from product research to location, consumers turn to the internet. A well-designed website expands the business cheaply, boosts brand recognition, and drives sales.

In a fast-growing internet world, establishing a strong foothold in the industry is central to securing the future. For developing an identity on the internet, a fully-fledged website is a prerequisite. Inter Smart Solution is a web development company in UAE that has become synonymous with top-quality web solutions in Dubai. They provide a professional opinion because of their sheer experience in the field of website design.

The following are the ways to design a successful business website:

Determine the Primary Purpose of the Website 

A space to provide general information about the company or a direct platform for e-commerce is generally meant by a business website. The most important thing the entrepreneur needs to do is to tell what their company does on the homepage in plain terms whether they create a simple website or a more complex e-commerce site. The customers shouldn’t be made to discover if the company can do what they need.

The website designer for the company should think about the specific user experience and the journey the user will go through as they navigate the site. Users should be able to achieve the fundamental goal of the website and the goals should be reinforced as they navigate throughout the site. The website designer won’t have as much work to do in setting it up if they don’t plan to accept payments through their website.

Decide the Domain Name 

One of the most important features of the website is the domain name. It is the URL that the entrepreneur promotes on social media and also shares with their current and potential clients. It should therefore be descriptive, easy to remember, and type in. The website designer should keep it short and should be clear of abbreviations, acronyms, and numbers to avoid confusion for the customers.

The website creator should decide on the top-level domain which is at the end of their domain names such as .com, .net, or .biz. They will need to confirm its availability and purchase it through a domain registrar once they have selected their domain name. They should also check copyrights to make sure they are not infringing on anyone else’s protected name.

Choose a Web Host 

Every website needs a server where all of its data is stocked for the public to access all the time. The website developer can choose from two different routes. The first is a shared web host where they will be sharing a server with other sites. If they opt for dedicated hosting, they will not have to compete with other sites that could drag down their speed as they get their private server. However, it costs significantly more when compared to the shared web host.

Build the Pages

A good web page needs to have multiple pages that are dedicated to different aspects of the business. It should include a detailed catalog of their products and services, and also a blog section for any of their company updates. The website designer should make sure that each page supports the site’s primary goal and has a clear purpose and includes a call to action.

A contact page is one of the most important sections of a website. It is also good to include an “about” page so that the clients can put real names and faces to their brands. It is also wise to create a logo to use on the website so that the clients can easily identify the company on the web.

Test and Publish the Website 

The website creator must make sure that their site works on all major browsers. To ensure images show up, links are correct, and the format looks smooth, they should click through each page and feature on every browser. This effort would save future complaints from visitors who can’t access certain features though it would take some time.

The website developer should make sure that the website displays properly on mobile devices. When it comes to search engine ranking, Google and other search engines prioritize the performance of the mobile versions of the website. So this step should not be overlooked.

Market the Website on Social Media 

To increase the reach of the audience and alert customers about what’s going on in the company, social media is the best way. It is better to post if the website is updated on social media but they should balance it with genuine, non-promotional engagement. The website should also include links to social media.

Invest in Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) 

It will deploy a strong SEO strategy across the site by submitting the website to major search engines that will help direct potential leads to the page. To boost the rankings in the search engine for the products or services the company is trying to market, defining title tags, meta descriptions, and Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI) are relevant.

To generate traffic early on, building relevant keywords into the content from the very first phases of the website and having a strong focus on SEO from the website launch will do great help. The important onsite SEO tactics such as choosing the right keywords, publishing fresh content, optimizing images, placing internal and external links, and maximizing the site speed can help improve the ability to move up the ranks.

Maintain the Site 

The website creator should update the website frequently with new products and offers, blog posts on current industry events, and company news to keep visitors coming back to the site because staying relevant is important. To ensure the software and all addons are up to date, they should check the website at least monthly. Even if the website host’s security is strong, it’s in danger of being hacked if the software is not up-to-date.

Unlike traditional marketing techniques, starting a website for the business is a low-cost investment that helps to establish credibility and reach a wider customer base. It should be quick to address technical issues and should be updated with fresh and current content.

Inter Smart has found its way to being the top-rated website design company in Dubai as they are backed by a strong team of extensively creative minds. They are always one step ahead of time by thinking out of the box and ensuring high standards. They generate highly interactive web solutions for an entire client base.