Social Media Monitoring-Builds Brand Reputation

  • April 4, 2024
  • Post By: issadmin
Social Media Monitoring-Builds Brand Reputation

Any successful business can vouch for the fact that brand building has and will continue to be an integral part of their journey. Many brands have gone under the radar due to poor brand image management and failure to take the necessary steps at the right time. Once the reputation of the brand starts falling, it gets real bad real fast. So what is Brand Reputation? Also, what is the significance of Social Media Monitoring in building a brand reputation?

Brand Reputation

Brand Reputation is the perception of the brand by the stakeholders, target audience, customers, and the market. The customer service level during the purchase of goods/services and the after-sales services provided instill emotions that a customer will associate with the brand in the future. Since public perception is largely influenced by what they see on the internet, brand perception is often driven by online reputation. How the brand is perceived in public discussion platforms, what message gets conveyed to the general public, and what results appear on the first page of SERP when someone Googles the brand, etc are factors that have long-term implications for your brand and its success.

Social Media Monitoring

Social media monitoring is the process of searching and interpreting what is being discussed about a brand, individual, or product through various social and online channels. Social media monitoring is effective for businesses since it allows you to track key social metrics like social share of voice and brand awareness. Once you start collecting this valuable data, you can use the information to look for trends & insights, text messaging, and even measure ROI.
Monitoring your brand means staying up to date about the brand mentions as soon as they happen on the internet. Setting Google News alerts for your brand and any high-profile products or people connected to the brand enables you to get notified when news articles or blog posts mention your brand. This in turn helps to take appropriate actions like:
● Engaging in the comment section in a positive way by thanking people for their feedback, answering questions, etc.
● Directly Contact the author of the article to correct any misinformation or incorrect figures.
● sharing your own response to what was discussed and publishing the same on your own blog/editorial.

Monitoring Brand Reputation With Social Listening

All discussions around your brand, both positive and negative collectively impact your brand reputation online. There are many reliable social listening tools to listen to all conversations of your audience and capture the overall audience sentiment for which you first need to set up a query. You can continuously monitor your brand name, a relevant set of keywords, or even hashtags among all conversations and mentions about it.
Social Media Reputation Management

As mentioned above, social media reputation is of paramount importance. Hence it is a full-time job to ensure that the brand is recognized and positively reinforced. Digital marketing company in UAE suggests the following tips to keep in mind to have a clean and welcoming social media reputation.

1.  Post Relevant Content

It’s crucial not to let your social media pages remain lifeless, especially in these uncertain times like the current pandemic. Twerk your pages up and regularly post engaging and relevant content and updates like special offers, announcements, news, photos, videos, and links. Handling community management professionally is also crucial to high consumer traffic and activity. Taking time to understand the audience, engaging in a manner while brand guidelines, and providing relevant and fresh content can help to maintain the followers.

2.  Resolve Customer Issues-Stat!

No matter the brand, sometimes there will be negative reviews. It is always best to have a plan in place to address such situations effectively and resolve the customer issue within the guidelines.

Once a negative review is posted on a public forum, every minute the review is left ignored will cost more than just that particular customer but everyone who sees it too. Negative reviews that remain unanswered show to other customers that you are not interested in a grieving customer. Be apologetic yet honest, and offer the aggrieved customer a quick way to contact you to take up the issue otherwise it fuels the perception that the angry customer was probably accurate.

Effective resolutions when provided at the right time, not only improve overall engagement but retain consumer trust. Customers want to be accepted as a vital cog in the brand’s continued success. Taking the time to listen to the customer and resolve issues by communicating them in an appropriate manner goes a long way for customer retention strategies.

3.  Social Listening Tool

Tracking every single conversation about your brand happening on every social media channel can be a daunting task, especially if you are managing a business with different locations.

Employing an effective social listening tool can save plenty of time and effort. With it, you can track conversations and mentions, schedule posts, monitor online reviews, and create customizable streams. Combining these elements allows your digital marketing team to listen closely to the voice of the customer on social media.

4.  Collect Feedback

Finally, it is important to really listen and gather customer feedback including the issues, praises, grievances, and tips and try to include the feedback for the betterment of the brand. The customer’s feedback is very vital for the sustenance of the brand, reputation, and customer loyalty.

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