How is digital marketing advancing the future of the eCommerce industry?

Digital marketing is not a new term anymore. Even various businesses across sectors have undergone a digital transformation with the pandemic accelerating the process. Statistics show that post-pandemic, digital transformation in the eCommerce and retail industries has accelerated by 70%.

The future of digital marketing and e-commerce appears to be highly promising. It is now relatively simple to buy and sell anything online. Experts project that the e-commerce business will increase by about $11 trillion between 2021 and 2025, with e-commerce sales reaching $5 trillion in 2022.

These tools are increasingly being used by enterprises to reach their target audiences and offer their products and services. According to the top digital marketing companies in Dubai, as digital marketing and e-commerce grow in popularity, they will become even more important for businesses.

What is eCommerce?

E-commerce, often known as electronic commerce or online shopping, is the purchase and sale of goods or services via the internet. Online retailers may sell physical items such as clothing, books, and electronics, as well as digital items such as software, music, and ebooks. Shopify, a major e-commerce platform, allows businesses to construct online storefronts, and an estimated 2,297 million active websites used Shopify last year.

E-commerce platforms include Big Commerce, Magento, Wix, Squarespace, and Salesforce Commerce Cloud.

Elements of Digital Marketing that are bound to change?

As digital marketing continues to evolve, so do online advertising strategies. Creating a successful digital ad campaign used to need a lot of human labor, from developing the ads to placing them on websites and tracking their performance.

However, because of technological advancements, most of that procedure can now be automated. This is great news for businesses since it means they can now build and run digital ad campaigns with a lot less work. There are several methods for automating digital ads.

If you are looking for such services, We at Intersmart Solution offer the best digital marketing services in Dubai.

Voice Search SEO

According to research, 55% of homes are expected to acquire smart speaker devices by 2022, and 65% of users aged 25 to 49 speak to a digital assistant at least once each day.

Voice search is becoming increasingly popular, whether it be through Alexa, Siri, or other well-known businesses. Instead of typing, more consumers choose to speak directly to a dedicated digital assistant.


With the domination of Search Engine Optimation, Data Analytics, and Artificial Intelligence in the Digital Marketing world, personalization based on customers will be increased.

What experts are saying about the future of eCommerce

Let’s take a look at what the top digital marketing company in Dubai is saying about the future of e-commerce digital marketing

E-commerce will continue to grow

The eCommerce industry will witness a boom in the next few years. Experts expect that e-commerce sites will account for 22.3% of overall retail sales. Consumers are increasingly comfortable making purchases online, and this tendency is likely to continue as internet connections become more widely available. There is a growing demand for e-commerce sales, especially given that global e-commerce retail sales have climbed by 17.1% since 2015.

Dropshipping Popularity will rise

Because of its minimal start-up costs and ease of usage, dropshipping is a particularly appealing e-commerce model for enterprises. Dropshipping is set to become an increasingly popular choice for firms wishing to get started in the e-commerce market as e-commerce grows. Drop-shippers can now leverage influencer marketing to their advantage thanks to influencers.

Mobile eCommerce

The trend is already on the rise and it will continue. Because of its minimal start-up costs and ease of usage, dropshipping is a particularly appealing e-commerce model for enterprises. Dropshipping is set to become an increasingly popular choice for firms wishing to get started in the e-commerce market as e-commerce grows. Drop-shippers can now leverage influencer marketing to their advantage thanks to influencers.

Significance of social media

Using social media in e-commerce has proven to be beneficial, with online stores with a social media presence selling 32% more than the average store that is not on social media.

As more businesses utilize social media to market their products and reach out to potential customers, social media will play a larger role in the e-commerce scene. A HubSpot study revealed that, 36% of respondents previously purchased from Facebook, 24.5% from Instagram, and 13.5% from Whatsapp.

Many marketers use Facebook to target consumers they believe will buy a product from their brand. Brands create relationships with their customers and effectively pique their customers’ interest in their brand.

Global Scale

The eCommerce industry has seen a tremendous shift post-Covid 19. In 2019, the e-commerce business was worth USD 9.09 trillion, and it is predicted to increase at a compound annual growth rate of 14.7% between 2020 and 2027.

E-commerce will continue to grow as a worldwide phenomenon as firms expand their reach into new markets and consumers become more comfortable making cross-border transactions. It is predicted to get more intense in the future. The United States, China, and Japan are frequently regarded as e-commerce leaders. These countries have the world’s largest e-commerce markets as well as the best-established online purchasing and delivery infrastructure.

Benefits of Digital marketing for retail brands

The best digital marketing agency in UAE points out how companies should use digital marketing to connect with their potential customers on a worldwide scale, engage with them, develop brand awareness, promote and sell products and services at reasonable costs, and gain a higher ROI or return on investment. A well-planned and well-executed digital marketing strategy will have a significant impact on the overall success of retail organizations.

Customer Journey

Regardless of the size of their establishment, retailers must spend on digital marketing to provide the greatest possible user experience for their customers. The whole journey of customer experience from the pre-purchase journey to the post-purchase journey will a factor that influences the brand.

Brand metrics

A strong brand presence and awareness can assist retail enterprises in distinguishing themselves from their competition.

Leverage new opportunities

Retail marketers can now attract leads outside of their geographical bounds, give better service while lowering marketing expenses, and much more.

Is Internet Marketing Cost-Effective?

In earlier times, marketers and businesses used traditional techniques like printing advertisements, and promotion through TV ads, radio spots, etc to enhance their brand awareness and to reach more potential users. Even with the upbringing of digital strategies, traditional ideas are really expensive. If you have a site, let’s try different kinds of online strategies that work to gain the attraction of potential users. Our Digital Marketing company in Dubai can aid you with great services that can bring cost-effective methods to upgrade your business. Read How much should a website cost to get insights into rating a website.

Business and digital marketing strategies are improving as the digital world expands. Most businesses struggle to find ample ideas to enhance their brand, whereas some businesses have already contacted professional digital marketing agencies to enhance their digital face. It is the main aspect of getting highlighted awareness in online media because it is highly effective and goal-oriented. Digital marketing also allows marketers and customers to connect on a personal level to give and gain each other’s potential.

Not everyone notices your Ad posters on the streets, but digital marketing allows your brand content to reach a wide audience that can build a great online presence for your business. With that in mind, here are some questions. Why does every business prefer digital marketing? Does online trading bring more ROI? Let’s discuss the topic Is Internet Marketing Cost-Effective?

Internet marketing is cheaper than traditional methods

Compared to other online techniques, digital marketing is inexpensive and effective. Many businesses know the vitality of online marketing and they are making full use of it. So it is the common platform that is used by many brands to enhance the sales and traffic that brings potential users.

Data that is collected can be great to shape marketing plans that are effective. By understanding your target audience and their interest you can mold the quality of content to engage the users with your audience. Valuable analytics can provide efficient plans to gain insights from users.

Traditional methods like printing, and some campaigns are definitely not included in the cheap ideas of campaigning. Advertising in each traditional medium can be very expensive, if you have a website that includes quality content, let’s get you to your audience with an entry like never before. You can only tear it down if the ad campaign doesn’t work, but you can manage and always improve the ways to reach your target audience at the right time with online marketing. If you are seeking a professional for marketing ideas, it can cost a bit, but compared to any other tactics, digital marketing is really efficient. Here is a marketing strategy that can give you insights into marketing.

Small businesses may find it really challenging to keep up with the competition. But with online media, there is no difference between small and large businesses. If you provide quality content and certain strategies, your business can stand out in this race. Digital marketing is affordable and adds to the easy grab of attention.

Internet marketing has a higher ROI than traditional methods

Why do many businesses give importance to online marketing? What difference does it make? Traditional methods provide you with what you offer and the chances are low that you may gain more than that. But, internet marketing contributes more than you produce with ideal strategies. So compared to methods that are traditional, digital marketing techniques are higher yielding.

Is Internet Marketing Cost-Effective? ROI is one of the efficient methods to estimate the rate of profit. Firstly, you have to consider the goals and aims of the business. You must include Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to receive precise measurements. KPIs combine fundamental performance indicators like leads, reach, web traffic, and channel indicators such as social networks, blogs, and search engines. Additionally, KPIs have source performance indicators like referrals, organic searches, and traffic that are direct. Also, campaign performance indicators like rates of conversion and realistic goals. Improve your website conversion rate with definite strategies.

You can calculate the ROI by collecting the data once the campaign is almost over with the help of performance records. To track and manage the ROI, you have to promote the cooperation of marketing experts and sales. Internet marketing is cost-effective because you can always check whether the campaigns are working or not to improve and manage sales. It helps you to reschedule and rearrange the campaigns that are ineffective. Adding adequate resources to the projects can promote enhanced returns. Get in touch with a Digital Marketing Agency to boost your business in a productive way with internet marketing strategies.

The Internet is where your customers are

What would you do if all your customers are online? You have to get there to upgrade your sales, right? Our target audience is busy scrolling through digital media for various purposes. There is no more effective strategy than digital marketing because it can reach a wide area of users without much effort. One thing you should keep in mind is that not every brand is introduced in the right way to the audience. Just think about how many sites you have clicked close because they were not up to your expectations. Well, we are included in the digital marketing techniques of other businesses and their brands. So, think like an audience to create ample strategies.

Need help creating a cost-effective digital marketing plan?

If you don’t have enough budget to enhance your business with traditional methods, you should definitely try online marketing methods. Social media is great for improving sales and brand awareness with quality content that can attract more customers. Trending topics related to your business is a great way to start a campaign. Generating traffic through online media is easier said than done. It can be challenging but with the right ideas and execution plans your business can get on track to exceed your competitors. Digital marketing can generate more traffic from unpredicted resources.

Our Digital Marketing Company in UAE is in your assistance to provide you with effective and affordable methods to promote your business in an impeccable way.

To sum it up, The answer to the question Is Internet Marketing Cost-Effective? Is really simple, It is! There are many strategies and tools that are really helpful to improve as well as manage sales and business rather than depending on traditional methods which require a great budget and may not provide the expected return.

Common Social Media Mistakes To Avoid In 2023

Social media users are growing in rapid numbers, the number is expected to be higher in the coming years. So if you are trying to find a spot on social media. Make sure you follow definite strategies that can make a sound in this deep social media hole. There are many social media mistakes that are often overlooked by many marketers. If you are here means your current online media strategies are not working or you are seeking to get better strategies. It’s okay we have got you covered. social media marketing services in Dubai can provide you with effective solutions for the ample way of marketing in social media. In this blog, Common Social Media Mistakes To Avoid In 2023 will be discussed further.

Being on every social media platform

Not having definite strategies to apply on each platform can sabotage your mission of growing on social media. It is clear that social media like Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, and so on promote varied strategies. Being on every social media can crumble your motives. It is challenging to handle every social media with quality content. So it is okay to concentrate on a few social media that can help in reaching your goals of expanding your brand visibility. Success in social media marketing is not evaluated by the number of social media platforms you use. It is not the quantity of content but the quality that matters. social media marketing services can help you with strategies that might be helpful in enhancing your brand.

Avoiding negative feedback

Feedbacks are vital for the success of the brand promotion. By clearing the negative feedback, you can change the users to your followers. Engaging and satisfying the customers are the main priority of using all the marketing strategies. Negative feedback can affect the reputation. But it can be worse if it goes unanswered or is deleted. To tackle this, you can respond to feedback that doesn’t make the user get disappointed. Sometimes If the user is not happy with the service, they can replicate the hate towards the brand.

Not responding to your audience

Having great engagement to support and provide necessities to the audience can aid in the growth of the audience as well as maintain them. By not responding to your audience, you are making a major mistake in social media marketing. It will soon turn into a graveyard where no user is interested or concerned about your brand. Quality customer service is unlocked with great interaction with the audience. Audiences expect you to be available for them whenever they are concerned about your service or product. By communicating with the followers, you can make them understand more about your services in a clear way and strengthen the reputation of your service. It also helps to increase conversions and enhance new sales opportunities.

Posting the same content across platforms

Every social media is unique on its own that uses different strategies to engage the audience. Just see various social media as different languages. It is futile to speak German in Japan. And just like that, to be able to convey the messages to each media audience, you have to know the language to communicate efficiently. Therefore, it is essential to know the working of different social media while handling them for enhancing the business.

Not reaching out to influencers

If you are a social media user, you might know the effect of influencers on people. Influencer marketing is another way to promote your brand on social media. By reaching out to influencers, they can enhance your brand visibility to their followers. But you should research before you approach an influencer. Because not every influencer is the same. People follow influencers because of their content. Get to know the influencers that are related to your brand and services. You have to build trust with the influencer making them feel you are a trustworthy brand can be a difficult task. You may face rejection, and it is not a simple task to get to the influencer and ask for collaboration. You may even end up with the wrong influencer and audience which doesn’t make any difference to your brand visibility or promotion. But with the right influencer and target audience, your brand can shine in various ways. Not only collaborating with your brand is also vital to maintain a good relationship with them. Degrading content from influencers can destroy your reputation as well as result in losing followers.

Ignoring your competitors

I know you have heard it all your life not to be bothered about competitors and their growth. This thought would have been true for the past years. But with the evolution of many things. It is always good to know and educate yourself about a different perspective and well, good competition invokes your full potential. It doesn’t mean continuously stalking your competitors on their strategies. But to enhance your service more than your competitors. The main goal is to enhance the service to the customers. But if you ignore competitors, you are eliminating your customers too. Only 20% of companies have researched their competitors.

Every business is forced to find its space among the various brands and services in a vast digital space. Half of the users who are using the internet are engaged in social media for various purposes. Getting value in social media for the services you provide is nothing but a great achievement for your brand. Making use of social media with just ideas can be challenging in this competitive space.

Strategies and customer perspective change over years. So you have to stay updated to stand tall in digital marketing. You might have got an idea of the social media mistakes that are not new in the digital world. It is always better to stay upgraded which helps in seeking new strategies that aid in enhancing your brand all over social media. You can approach an SEO Company in Dubai that can provide you with updated ideas that can improve your sales and services.

Earn more revenue with a top Digital Marketing Company

Hiring a digital marketing company is the smartest choice you can make for a smooth run of your business where you can concentrate on enhancing your brand offline. Well, you can earn more while working with them. Expertise in digital media knows the vitality of quality content and has unique strategies that can bring good revenue. Let’s see how to Earn more revenue with a top Digital Marketing Company

An online marketing company can either promote or degrade you with its strategies. So it’s vital to find an ample digital marketing agency to place your brand in secure hands. A digital marketing company includes a specialized team to carry out each operation. If you are looking for a Digital Marketing company in Dubai, we are right here!

Custom Strategy

Digital marketing companies use various techniques to enhance your website. They will first research the brand and its competitors to make unique strategies to advance your brand awareness. Marketing plans can attend all the platforms with different ideas to promote your brand and services. Customized strategies make sure your brand is not left unseen by potential customers. You cannot just gather some random content and just simply make your audience engage. That is why having definite strategies that can bring about certain outcomes is preferred by marketing agencies.

Here are a few strategies to Earn more revenue with a top Digital Marketing Company.  

  • Showcase your website through SEO

Websites should be well informed to make the user feel convenient engaging in your website. But being a perfect website doesn’t bring more customers. There are tactics and strategies that can be used to bring your brand in front of users when they are searching for services related to your business. One of those strategies is SEO which can upgrade your rank with the site appearing on top of SERPs. And by being on the top of the search page can gain attention from the users. Clicks that are received as a result of SEO-based content can generate more leads and conversions that bring about more traffic to your website.

  • Concentrating on the targeted audience

Custom strategies are implemented to clearly focus on the targeted audience with your services and products to promote them to be potential customers. Some users are genuinely interested in your service which makes the job easier rather than just going forward with random users that don’t even know your brand exists. Additionally, you can connect with your followers on a personal level. This will help in keeping your connection strong with the customers.

Strategies can make you realize what is reliable for your brand and services. Not all strategies are meant for all businesses. So it is normal to find out definite plans that might work for the benefit of your brand.

  • Quality content

Digital media strategies can help in the production of quality over quantity of content. It is not really entertaining to engage your followers with random content that is not informative or entertaining for them, you might lose your customers too. So it is vital to find quality content that can engage the users.

  • Dedicated account manager

The account managers handle the responsibility of building and directing the relationship with present and future relationships with the client. They play a role in planning, creating, and handling marketing goals in online media. They are the dedicated ones to work closely with you to know the requirements of the organization. To educate you about the aspects of digital marketing your brand in the infallible way possible. They are responsible for efficient communication with the client to realize the requirements and qualities they expect from the agencies.

Experienced team of Digital Marketing specialists, landing page designers, and copywriters

You don’t have to go to various companies that provide each service separately. While approaching a digital marketing agency they may provide other services that aid in the promotion of your brand. A digital marketing agency is a group of skillful people who are specialized in different areas. Designers, developers, and copywriters produce unique content to promote your brand in impeccable ways. Digital marketing specialists have expertise in strategies and plans that can create a strong face for your brand digitally. Custom strategies can introduce your product and services in a creative and effective way to your audience. They are specialists in proven strategies that can increase your sales and conversions through digital platforms. Designers can create innovative landing pages that manage to engage the audience. So seeking a digital marketing company will be a good option where you can continue to concentrate on offline services other than messing with online marketing and stressing yourself. Our professional Digital Marketing Company in UAE can provide you with quality content that can achieve your business digital goals. They are good at specifically targeting the audience that provides measurable strategies to achieve digital goals for your business to increase sales. Relevant and timely services from a marketing agency can only upgrade your brand higher.

Regular and transparent reporting

The main goal of a digital marketing agency is to make sure your brand reaches potential customers. Both have the same goal of achieving conversions and more sales. Marketing companies will let you know the progress and sales that are upgraded with their strategies. You can manage the ideas as well. You can directly report if you find any irrelevant content has been published in the name of your company. So for that good communication and trust between both parties are required for smooth digital marketing.

Comprehensive industry and competitor analysis

Expertise in working in the industry aids in recognizing the competitors and working according to that. They will provide relevant ideas to stand out among the heavy competition that is faced in every industry. By researching the competitors you can have an idea about their way of engaging clients and their visible ideas to increase sales and so on. You don’t have to be worried about the competition anymore. With the right strategies and plans, your brand can be identified as an infallible company.

To sum it up, you can Earn more revenue with a top Digital Marketing Company that can only upgrade your business in promoting the brand. So if you are searching for the right agency, our Digital Marketing Agency can help you out in finding the essential strategies that will increase your sales.

How can your SEO agency help my company?

What is the first thing you do if you want to search for the nearest restaurant or for the best cafe? Of course, you will search it out! So, every business that expects success competes to stay on top of the search result pages. It is not surprising that fierce competition is always there. Just think about all the companies that provide the same services and finding the ample service provided is not a big task when the users search for impeccable products and services on the internet. In this digitally growing world, it is vital to know about search engine optimization or SEO which plays a great role in upgrading your brand with digital marketing strategies. Let’s see How can your SEO agency help my company? Moreover, if you are in search of SEO services in the UAE, we provide all the impeccable services to enhance your business to the audience.

Increase traffic to your website

Improving SEO and upgrading the strategies to grow traffic and audience is the top priority for many marketers. Websites that appear on top of the search pages acquire more traffic than any other site. To occupy the top spot is not an easy task, certain strategies are practiced to enhance successful campaigns. An SEO company can aid in the seeking of higher search rank with an array of optimizing tools and plans. This will lead to an expanded amount of users which in turn increases the traffic to your websites leading to many advantages of digital marketing.

Improve brand awareness for your company

By acquiring the top position on the search result page, SEO services can improve the visibility of your brand which can bring many benefits to the business and sales. If you are not on the search page, many potential customers won’t even know that your services exist and they might be convinced to move to the competitor who provides the same products and services. Some surveys suggest that many people don’t even check the second page of the search result. So there is no tomorrow to get to the top of the search page. Not only getting there but staying on the top with researched strategies is also vital for the growth of the business and sales. Getting professional help is a smart idea if you are seeking one. Our SEO services in Dubai assures us to expand your online presence in a creative way with high-quality content.

Reach your most qualified audience

An accurate keyword search has a great role in getting you to the right audience. Reaching a lot of audiences is not the target, but reaching the potential user is! Quality audiences bring good conversions and impact on the sales as well as on the name of the brand by recommending your services to the closer ones. You can reach users in many ways. One of them is social media. Designing ample content with high-quality posts can lead to a way to the right audience where they can share and engage with your brand in many useful ways.

An SEO company can bestow you with perfect keywords that can help you reach your targeted audience. For instance, you should have the keywords that are commonly used by people to get to your services. So when the audience is in search of the products. You can easily get to them to supply them with your services. Keywords are commonly used words, so don’t bring up the words your user hasn’t heard of! Another advantage of reaching the target audience is that there is a great chance of sharing your services to their friends who are in need of the products. So lending a hand to the users that are in need of your products or services can improve customer engagement with your brand which in turn builds a strong connection with the business and the audience. Get to the best SEO company in UAE to get you the best keywords that are very much suited for your sales to go up high.

Earn more leads, calls, and revenue from your website

By adding SEO content to the website, your target audience can reach your business directly. This can improve the sales leads as well as the revenue that adds to the website. Website is the digital face of your brand, so make sure you have made an impression as well as with accurate information that the user is searching for. There is no definite and direct way of reaching your target audience. It is a slow but effective route to your potential customers. So if you come up with solutions that can enhance your brand and let you stay on top of other competitors you can relax. One of those strategies is SEO and maybe you can’t relax that much. You can always search for SEO Company UAE to provide you with impeccable services that can lift your business and sales to the top.

Outrank your competitors

If you are present in digital media, that means there is no going back on competition. There are always competing businesses to bring their sales up. There is no better strategy than SEO to dominate your competitors. With the right SEO content, you can get a hold of your customers rather than reaching your competitive services.

You might have reached a conclusion. How can your SEO agency help my company? Have you noticed your actions when you search for anything on any page and the first thing you will do without any description is to choose the first option that stays on top of the search page? Many companies have realized the importance of this action. Also, digital marketing agencies are competing to find the best options to bring up their client’s businesses to the top of the search result page. SEO is vital in this digital world to get to your audience by standing up on top of the fierce competition. Search for the best SEO company in Dubai that bestows specific strategies that can help you to reach on top of the search pages.

Effective B2C Marketing Strategies for SMBs

B2C marketers face real challenges to enhance their growth in this extending business world. You have to have unique strategies to stand out among them. Effective B2C Marketing Strategies for SMBs are introduced in this blog to enhance the growth of your business. It is challenging for small and medium-based businesses to get ahead of their competition due to limited in-hand resources. But it can use effective strategies to stand out from its competitors. It is a challenging process that needs your time and creativity. Let’s see how to gain more leads and followers through marketing strategies that convince your customer to purchase your brand offering.

What is B2C marketing?

Business-to-consumer marketing involves effective strategies that can be used to promote brands and services to their customers individually. Understanding the kinds of customers your business wants to attract can help in boosting sales and maximize awareness of the brand.

We are a social media marketing company in Dubai that can assist you with strategies to raise brand awareness.

5 B2C Marketing Strategies for SMBs

5 Effective B2C Marketing Strategies for SMBs are mentioned below.

  • Use a brand voice that appeals to your customers

Marketing messages are created for effective communication with customers. Make sure you use your full potential with creative ways of connecting with your customers. Funny, attractive, and creative messages grab everyone’s attention. So connect with your customers and discuss how cool your strategy messages are.

The brand voice should be consistent and unique across online platforms like social media and websites. While scrolling through the phone, the customers recognize your brand without even checking if it is really your brand. Use persistent language in all your platforms with creative content to provide the brand’s voice to your buyers.

  • Engage with your customers on social media

Many marketers use social media to grow their customer base and achieve glorious success. Having a social presence that is engaging can boost sales. Nowadays every business is engaging in all the media where they can shine with their products. So it is essential to design your content and presence that stands out in digital media. It may not be that easy as said. But engaging and letting the customers be a part of your brand can actually benefit the company in a plethora of ways.

Social media is a great platform to engage with customers. Social media is turning from entertaining platforms to more useful and engaging platforms. You can make use of social media to promote your brand as well as customer engagement. For improving sales, reviews of clients are essential. By responding to their direct messages, comments, and criticisms, social media provides a space for growth as well. There are organic media strategies and paid advertising strategies. Creating more awareness of the brand through social media can bring more sales. It is necessary to create a connection and comfort with the audience so that the clients feel safe to use your services. You can use online media to share the particulars of your business, promotions, new blogs, and related content with the users. It helps to enhance and expand the services and products.

  • Align your SEO strategy with your audience’s search intent

Keyword research is the main aspect of effective SEO or search engine optimization strategy. Using the audience’s search intent can help you gain more followers to reach your brand. By aligning your SEO strategy with the customer’s search intent, you can help them by offering their required needs which also increases sales and brand awareness. For instance, when the user searches “good hairstyles for short hair” the user is on the primary searches of the product. Meanwhile, if the user searches “Best salon near me”, the chances of getting sales at the salon are preferably high. Researching your customer’s search keywords they use to explore products that are related to your services. It helps to include those keywords in your content. Thus, customers reach your services rather than your competitor’s site while they search for them.

  • Implement remarketing tactics

Remarketing tactics are strategies to engage previous customers to remind them about your products and services to hold their potential clients. Through remarketing channels, you can contact your followers again with new updates that might let them want to use your service. Implementing remarketing tactics can enhance the leads to an extent. Let’s use more upgraded and creative content that can gain lost customers. Remarketing strategies are just to increase the audience that was already a part of the brand.

Display ads: By exhibiting ads on third-party websites, you can retarget your lost followers who used to visit your brand for services. To update them about your services and attractive content the users prefer.

Email marketing: Emails can be a message to remind them about anything they missed. For instance, a customer has their favorite products in the cart, but they hadn’t purchased them. Why don’t you remind them that their cart is waiting here with their favorites?

Social media ads: Ads can reach out to your customer to let the audience see what they are searching for. You can customize the ads by targeting different personas.

We are a social media marketing agency in Dubai with expertise in strategies and brand promotion. If you are in search of effective expert assistance you know where to go.

  • Use Mobile friendly Design

What if a client is using your services that get interrupted in the middle? The chances are high that the user will change to other brands that offer the same services. Designs that are simple and mobile-friendly can attract more customers that make their shopping smooth.

We are a Digital Marketing Company in Dubai that can assist you in reaching your potential customers with quality content and engagement.

In conclusion, Effective B2C Marketing Strategies for SMBs are to be used to flourish and grow their business. Having a strategic plan can clear all the obstacles and enhance sales and promote the brand. It is difficult in this fast-growing digital world. Using the effective strategies that are mentioned in this blog can help you remove noise from your digital space.

B2B Sales Leads: 5 Tips for Generating More of Them

B2B Sales Leads are qualified leads that can be contacted and sold to by sales professionals. It is difficult to generate high-quality leads that will convert into customers. However, if done properly, it will assist your business in outperforming the competition and growing significantly. Quality is one of the most essential factors to consider. If you simply increase the number of leads without qualifying them, you will end up spinning your wheels more. However, if you can increase your lead volume by 20% without sacrificing quality, your business will generate 20% more revenue.

Lead generation is a difficult endeavor. 85% of B2B marketers cite lead generation as their primary obstacle. Here are the five most effective strategies for generating as many new B2B sales lead as possible. In order to achieve sales and business goals, it is essential to find a large number of high-quality leads. In the same way that you do not want to receive leads from people who are not seriously considering your services, you also do not want to receive leads from people who are not at all interested in what you have to offer. Using these 5 years methods, you will be in a strong position to discover, qualify, and close B2B sales lead almost instantly.

Tips for Generating More B2B Sales Leads

  1. Optimize SEO

Utilize SEO to Boost Website Traffic. Utilize search engine optimization (SEO) to place your website at the top of Google’s search results. You must target keywords that people enter to describe your product or service. Setting up lead capture on a page can increase SEO-generated sales leads.

It is not a wise decision to attempt to manipulate Google’s algorithms to rank poorly-written content highly. Since Google search is constantly evolving, you should instead focus on creating excellent content. To improve your SEO ranking, create quality backlinks through guest blogging or other means. You should also understand which keywords are essential and create content around them. You can get in touch with the best SEO services in Dubai for further information.

The following is a brief list of effective SEO optimization tools:

  1. Hit Tail
  2. Serpstat
  3. Ahrefs
  4. SEO book
  5. Google search console
  6. Google Analytical Services
  7. Moz Scrape Box
  • Run paid Online ads

Increasing traffic through paid advertisements is a straightforward process, but depending on your sector and the level of competition, it may also become complex and expensive. Make sure that you target sales leads by looking at the volume of user intent searches and the keyword search volumes.

Lead generation ads, which allow you to collect email addresses, are available on both Facebook and Twitter. Unfortunately, the results you get may differ from one content promotion strategy to another. Be sure to direct visitors coming to your site from social media to dedicated landing pages where they can sign up for your email list. Another method for gathering email addresses is to make it possible for people to sign up for your newsletter directly from your Facebook page.

  • Promote Yourself on Social Media

You will be able to reach and engage with a greater number of leads if you participate in relevant groups on Facebook and LinkedIn. In order to start conversations, ask thought-provoking questions, and feel free to respond to any comments that have already been made.

  • Use Marketing Automation 

Put marketing automation to work for you by following up with leads. After you have collected customers’ email addresses, you can use marketing automation software to divide and categorize those customers, after which you can send targeted messages to those customers in an effort to convert them. Leads that are currently in the marketing funnel have the potential to be converted by the sales team into Sales Qualified Leads (SQLs). You may also make use of outbound automation software, which will assist you in sending personalized emails at scale and will automatically nurture these leads into SQLs.

  • Earn More Positive Reviews

Before making a purchase, 87 percent of B2B decision-makers search online for reviews written in an honest manner. If you have satisfied customers who leave positive reviews, you should be able to increase the number of leads you receive. Customers who give a high Net Promoter Score (NPS) are satisfied with the product or service more often.

You can become an expert in B2B sales lead generation with the assistance of a Digital Marketing company in Dubai. They are particularly proud of the fact that we have created a platform that can accommodate businesses of any size and at any stage of their development. The platform can assist you in making the most of your budget and generating the leads that are important to your company, regardless of how sophisticated your strategy may be. Get in touch with them if you want more information about the services as they are the best SEO company.

What is a Marketing Plan and How To Create One?

One of the biggest expenses for most businesses is typically marketing as it can take the business to new heights. It helps to turn the business goals into reality as it can be used to define more effective promotions and impactful campaigns and track the success of the business with analytics. This blog details what is a marketing plan and how to create one.

Digital marketing companies in Dubai help to create a winning marketing plan for the business. Digital marketing services in Dubai help align the marketing objectives and activities and gain valuable performance data for future reference.

What is a Marketing Plan? 

To generate leads and reach its target audience, a marketing plan is an operational document that businesses use to organize, execute, and track their marketing strategy for their products or services. It could be applicable for the coming year, quarter, or month as it details the outreach and PR campaigns to be undertaken over a given period. Various marketing squads across the company will be working towards the same business goals while including different marketing strategies.

To keep on track and measure the success of the campaigns, it is recommended to write down the strategies of a marketing plan in an organized manner. A marketing plan typically includes the key performance indicators that they will be tracking and a timeline of when the tasks within their strategy will be completed. As it is based on the company’s overall marketing strategy, it also includes the metrics that measure the results of marketing efforts and their reporting timelines.

What is the Importance of a Marketing Plan? 

For acquiring new customers and selling more products and services, a Marketing plan serves as a way to analyze how successful the efforts of marketing have been so far. It lays out the business strategy helping to steer ongoing campaigns in the right direction and ensures that future campaigns are targeted better concerning product development, market development, sales promotion, and profitability.

The marketing plan keeps the business organized and helps to head it in the right direction. Creating a marketing plan helps to foster productivity, focus, and consistency. It would provide a solid picture for the growth of the business as everything a business does is feeding into a bigger picture and is in line with its strategic direction. If it remains consistent, it will help to formulate new ideas, set a reputation, and meet deadlines.

A marketing plan helps to identify and reach out to the target market which is another reason why developing a marketing plan is important for the business. This helps the business person to understand how to meet their requirements. Figuring out the target market helps the person to understand how to reach them, what they need, and what they would respond well to. Businesses would be able to position their brand or services as a marketing plan that identifies the competitors, their strength, and also their weakness.

Marketing glues the skills of the business to the results as they help businesses make sales. The customer first needs to know more about the product even if the company has a great offering to buy from them. The most fundamental element of the business is the process of selling and developing a marketing plan, it will enable them to see how the product or service will need to be sold. It helps to make sales easier as marketing aims to understand the customer well so that the product or service fits them satisfactorily.

Types of Marketing Plans 

Marketing strategy is the organization’s technique to acquire its intended new consumers. It constitutes different marketing tactics across the company working towards the business goals together. Choosing the right marketing plan is important depending upon the type of product as it gives a solid foothold in the marketplace. It ensures the success of the company by promoting a specific product to the target audience. The given below are some classifications of marketing plans:

  • Direct Marketing 

To deliver the products directly to the customer the company, make use of direct marketing to promote their product and services. It can be carried out through various channels such as over the phone, TV and radio commercials, or printed materials. To deliver this kind of marketing, the methods used are email, interactive websites, mobile messaging, direct mail pieces that are addressed to specific clients, fliers, and public advertisement.

  • Indirect Marketing 

Indirect marketing is a passive or assertive marketing strategy that focuses less on promoting a brand, products, or services. This type of marketing puts more focus on the company to attract potential customers with a gentle approach. They keep the name of the company in front of the public and are carried through various indirect channels such as blogging, social media, or referrals. It is relatively cost-effective as its strategies include donating to charities or sponsoring any events.

  • Cause Marketing 

A form of indirect marketing that involves a collaboration between a non-profit organization and a profitable business on social issues or causes can be referred to as cause marketing. For the nonprofit partner, it increases brand awareness as they are getting a small business to partner with them. On the other hand, profit businesses can improve their corporate image, increase brand loyalty, and build a relationship with the community through this type of marketing.

  • Relationship Marketing 

It is a strategy of customer relationship management that emphasizes customer satisfaction and the company’s gratitude for the customer. It is often used by software companies and car dealerships as it market to the current customers versus new customer acquisition through advertising and sales. It is rooted in building customer loyalty and often involves offering discounts to new customers, offering them low-cost upgrades to products they have already purchased, etc.

  • Social Media Marketing 

To market products and services and to engage with existing customers, social media marketing is another type of strategy used to market through Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram as it is one of the most well-liked forms of marketing. This type of marketing is best for raising awareness and for boosting sales as social media today is so ubiquitous. These platforms are extremely important for businesses as this type of marketing has transformed the way businesses can influence the behavior of the consumer.

How to Create a Marketing Plan? 

Objectives, research, competitors, and content are the basic building blocks of any good marketing plan. To create a marketing plan, the business person should first research the market to understand its strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities. This helps to refine the marketing strategy and identify where they are positioned in the market. They should then set the main business goals and outline the marketing strategies.

The business person must choose marketing activities that suit their customers well. To help reach the message, choosing multiple activities that complement each other is a good way. Setting the marketing budget is important as it is critical for the success of the business. It is also important to keep the marketing plan up to date for analyzing the results and being aware of new marketing trends. As the market grows and changes, the business person should change their plan and create a new one.

A seasoned digital marketing company in Dubai like Inter Smart IT Solutions can help businesses to create a solid marketing plan that results in effective campaigns.

Tips to boost business through your Website

A website is a great tool that can yield more sales and audiences. You need to have a creative yet simple website marketing strategy that combines the goals of having a website and the aims that are to be achieved. To promote business through a website, first, you have to have an exemplary website that can catch the eye of the beholder. After getting the website ready, the next step is to promote your service through the website. There are many ways in which you can enhance your business through your online signature.

Tips to boost business through your Website are further explained in detail to enhance your business. But first, let’s get you to know more about website marketing which combines the idea of making an exceptional website.

Website marketing to enhance your business

It elevates the traffic to your website with potential customers. Website marketing is a way of promoting a brand’s website using definite goal-oriented strategies to make full use of online media and reach an audience that might be interested in your service and products. To get ahead of the online competition, it is better to use a website marketing strategy to make your business stand out among your competitors.

With a lot of businesses having their own website, you have to create an exceptional website that stands out. Accurate information is to be briefed on the website to make it easy for the people who come across your website. It is also vital to add your contact information that will be convenient for the seekers to contact your services. Make sure you have a domain name that either describes your services or anything related to your production. It will make it easier for people to find your website faster when they search for your services online.

If you need professional assistance in growing your brand, we are one of the finest digital marketing companies in Dubai.

Promotion through website

A website is an ample way to promote your business and services. Here are some Tips to boost business through your Website.

  1. Build trust through websites- It is vital to add authentic and valuable information rather than false information on the website regarding your services. A person who is in front of your website should know the information they are seeking.
  2. Web design that can engage more audience- Use high-quality content and images that reflect the standard of the products and services that you offer. To engage the audience visiting your page has to get a visual that encourages them to stay on the website. If the contents are engaging there is a chance for the visitor to visit again for any information. When a visitor stops by your website and sees a clutter of fonts and images that are not clear can leave a bad effect on the customer. It is a competitive world, and there are a lot of companies that provide the same. So it is essential to catch the audience for the long term by designing a creative website that contains all the information that the customer is seeking.

For a website to create a presence, it has to be designed beautifully. We are a Web Designing Company in Dubai that can create a visual design that attracts the audience.

Want to know more about web design trends? Read our latest blog on web design trends to get the latest trending ideas for web design.

  1. Ecommerce- It is great to purchase while sitting in your comfort zone. A website can add an e-commerce page where the audience can access the product they are seeking to purchase. It can be a great help for the business that is producing commodities to directly access the customers through the website. Creating an easy checkout process that lets the buyer get the product purchased in very little time can actually save the customer to buy more. Adding partners and previous works can help the ones seeking your website get a clear idea of how things get done.
  2. Online presence- There should be something to attract visitors again and again. Making it simple and convenient for the customers to understand your services and products. Having an online presence that creates an idea of production is convenient for the customers to come back again.

Stuck on the ranking of your website? Here is a blog on ways to improve ranking to help you enhance your profile.

  1. Build two-way communication channels- Engage the audience by communicating with them through the website. There is a communication tab to talk with the supporters when exploring the website which is really helpful to engage the customers with talks that are informative and promotes your brand awareness.
  2. Reviews to let the audience know about the services- Reviews provide a clear idea for the audience visiting the site about the services that you do good. We don’t expect all the reviews to be good. But getting every customer to review your product can actually be beneficial in building the confidence for the customer to buy the product from your company.
  3. Customer support team- The support team can get back to the customers which can build a good feeling with the customers. A website is useful to hear out the customers and make more sales and growth by canceling the drawbacks can bring actual growth in your customers.

If you want more information, this blog will get you the basics of maintaining a website for business in this competitive world.

The above Tips to boost business through your Website will let you get the basic ideas you should know while thinking about promoting your business to a wider audience. It will help you enhance your business in a simple way by creating a simple and clear website. Your main aim should be more ways of building your brand with informative, eye-catching, interactive, and engaging website with factual content. As you continue promoting your brand in many ways, remember, a simple and informative website can make an online signature for your brand.


SEO Audit Tools:7 Best SEO Audit Tools to Use

Every website owner needs to perform routine SEO audits. They enable you to recognise and address the main problems that could negatively affect your search engine results. However, personally examining all of your pages could take a while. The procedure can be automated with the use of SEO audit tools, which also guarantee that all crucial elements are examined. When we examine the world as a whole, SEO services in Dubai are crucial, and Intersmart is here to guide you every step of the way.

We’ve compiled a list of the top seven SEO audit tools to assist you in selecting the one that best suits your needs. These software solutions will offer the insight-driven improvements you need to succeed, whether you’re auditing for technical, on-page, or off-page SEO. The top 7 SEO audit tools and how they can improve your search engine performance are highlighted in this post by Intersmart, providing you with the best SEO service in Dubai. So it’s here, SEO Audit Tools:7 Best SEO Audit Tools to Use.

7 Best SEO Tools

Every digital marketer should know how to conduct an SEO audit by going through all of the crucial Google ranking variables. By completely scanning your website and assisting you in prioritising the most crucial adjustments and optimization opportunities, the right SEO audit tool makes this simple. SEO services in Dubai have a greater need because of your growing business, contact us right away.

  1. SEMrush

In terms of search engine marketing and optimization software, SEMrush is a market leader. A technical SEO audit tool, an on-page SEO checker, and backlink auditing capabilities are among the platform’s auditing tools.

  • When to Use It

SEMrush is one of the top software programmes for checking the SEO effectiveness of your website. SEMrush is one of the few solutions that offers powerful capabilities for all three categories of SEO audits, whereas some of the other options on this list just concentrate on technical, on-page, or off-page ranking aspects. Your website will be analysed by the technical site audit tool, which will find more than 130 distinct issues. There is also a backlink audit tool that can find harmful or low-quality connections, as well as an on-page SEO checker that makes sure your pages are optimised to rank for selected keywords.

  • Cost and Access

SEMrush is a fantastic tool for marketers who need to investigate their website SEO chances in-depth. Pricing for a single user licence starts at $99.95 a month, but there is also a free trial period where you can try out the platform with fewer features.

  1. Ahrefs

Ahrefs is one of the market leaders for all-in-one digital and search engine marketing solutions, along with SEMrush. The platform presents the findings of its technical, on-page, and off-page SEO audit tools using vivid and colourful visualisations.

  • When to Use It

Ahrefs is among the best tools for identifying various SEO problems that may arise across various sections of your website. It can be used by marketers to identify content quality concerns, diagnose performance difficulties, fix broken links, disavow spammy or toxic backlinks, and fix broken resources including photos, javascript, and CSS files. For marketers that prefer to use a single tool for thorough auditing, there is plenty of depth here.

  • Cost and Access

Depending on the number of user licences and features your team needs, subscription rates range from $99 per month to $999 per month. You may test out the platform for 7 days for just $7 before committing to a purchase.

  1. Moz

Digital marketers may run a thorough website audit using Moz, another excellent all-in-one SEO platform, to identify technical and SEO issues that are affecting their rankings. Similar to other all-inclusive systems, Moz provides tools for technical, on-page, and off-page SEO auditing.

  • When to Use It

Digital marketers who need to audit every part of the performance of their websites will find Moz to be quite useful as an SEO audit tool. Even if you wind up needing more specialised tools to dive down and fix the most enduring technical issues, an all-in-one audit tool is a wonderful beginning point for discovering concerns. On this list, Moz has one of the most powerful on-page optimization tools. We also like how you can schedule recurring crawls, track changes over time in issues, and even check the effects of changes on desktop vs. mobile devices.

  • Cost and Access

Before paying, you may try out Moz’s SEO audit tool for a full 30 days. The entry-level subscription plan is $99 per month.

  1. PageSpread Insights

PageSpeed Insights, another free tool from Google, is the real deal when it comes to locating, diagnosing, and really resolving SEO mistakes that are affecting your Google Search rankings.

  • When to Use It

Page speed has a high correlation with overall user experience, which in turn influences variables like click-through rate and bounce rate, which have an immediate impact on SEO. You should use Google PageSpeed Insights to assess your website if you see high bounce rates or low click-through rates on your web pages as a result of slow page speed and lengthy loading times.

  • Cost and access

Google offers PageSpeed Insights as a free tool.

  1. Screaming Frog

Users can use a software made by Screaming Frog called SEO spider to crawl a website and find technical and on-page SEO issues. Even though SEO Spider is not an all-encompassing tool, it excels at identifying technical SEO problems on websites of all sizes.

  • When to Use It

Digital marketers can detect duplicate pages, broken links, link problems, 301 redirects, poorly optimised HTML tags, and a variety of other technical and on-page SEO issues across a maximum of 500 URLs with the free edition of SEO spider. Even additional features, such as sophisticated integrations with Google Analytics and Google Search Console and more customization choices, are available in the SEO Spider’s commercial edition.

  • Cost and access

There is a free version, however users can only crawl 500 URLs in it. You must buy a single-user licence, which starts at £149/year, in order to access more RAM, storage, and features.

  1. Alexa’s Site Audit Tool

In the past, Alexa ran its own “Alexa Rank” website rating system that assigned a popularity score to each and every website on the Internet. Alexa now offers SEO analysis tools for marketers and digital marketing firms after being purchased by Amazon.

  • When to Use It

Alexa’s site audit tool is a potent, all-in-one platform that was created specifically to compete with other tools that offer thorough SEO auditing, like Moz and SEMrush. Users may check for technical SEO flaws, discover and rank the most crucial keywords to target, improve on-page SEO and keyword targeting, build and audit a backlink profile, and even evaluate search traffic with this SEO audit tool, which provides end-to-end capabilities.

  • Cost and access

For its SEO audit tool, Alexa provides various different payment choices. The whole marketing stack of SEO tools is accessible to digital marketers for $149 per month, and there is a free 14-day trial option so you can try it out before committing.

  1. Google Search Console 

Why not use Google’s own webmaster tools to get at least some of your comments if you are reviewing your SEO to raise your ranks with Google? You can carry out an SEO audit using Google Search Console as your tool.

  • When to Use It

The Google Search Console ought to be set up on your website if it is not already. Many of the same diagnostic features found in costly SEO tools are available with this straightforward website plug-in, completely free. While keeping an eye on the progress of every single page you publish in the index, you will be able to spot crawl issues and blacklisted URLs on your website. GSC assists you with organising structured data and optimising HTML on your website, including headers, meta descriptions, and title tags, under the optimization tab.

  • Cost and access

Anyone with a website is welcome to use Google Search Console, which is a free SEO audit tool.

Although SEO is becoming more competitive, site owners now have more tools at their disposal, making it simpler to make sure they are doing everything possible to optimize their own websites. Examine a few of the tools in this manual to find which ones work best for you. Numerous have identical functions and can even be utilised in tandem. You might discover that some are a better fit because everyone has different preferences for design and workflow. Contact Intersmart right away for additional information about SEO services in Dubai; we are available to assist you. Talk to our experts today at [email protected].