How to Run a Successful Marketing Campaign In UAE

The United Arab Emirates is known for its fast pace development and acceptance of global cultures. Various Industries compete for a space in the business world of Dubai. The laws and regulations are also business-friendly thus making UAE the land of golden opportunities. Hence penetrating this market requires some next-level expertise which the Digital marketing company in UAE can offer. Below mentioned are 8 tips to Run a Successful Marketing Campaign In UAE.

1.  Set the Goal
2.  Set the Budget
3.  Research the Target Audience
4.  Target Oriented Content
5.  Audience Interaction
6.  Premium customers
7.  Respect traditions, guidelines, and rules
8.  Brand Recognition

1.Set the Goal

Before brainstorming ideas for the marketing campaign, one must always define the expectations for this marketing campaign? What is its purpose? What do you plan to accomplish? Is it to close new customers, generate fresh leads, re-engage existing ones, increase your visibility, increase sales of a particular product or service, drive more traffic to your website, etc.
Setting realistic and measurable milestones in the goals for the marketing campaign before even beginning will help to assess whether the campaign was a success or not. The textbook method is to set up Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) related to your goals. At regular intervals, check if the KPIs are met and understand the deviation. Take corrective actions to align to the expectations and minimize the losses.

2.Set the Budget

This should be a no-brainer. What is the amount set aside to fuel the marketing campaigns? At what stage of the campaign should the next set of funds be released? Measuring the Return on investment (ROI) at different stages of the campaign milestone can help to understand the success rate. If the goal is brand awareness then it may not reflect immediately as opposed to inbound traffic increasing. Some goals take a longer time to achieve than others and the initial allocation of the budget will help to justify the investment.

3.Research the Target Audience

Who is the campaign supposed to reach? Since the UAE is a mixture of cultures and their specific preferences, understanding your audience and their patterns will give a purpose for the campaign. Successful business owners know that only a limited number of people will buy their product or service by seeing their advertisements. Identifying and targeting those people is a key factor to maintain the budget and manpower. Learning how to use target market segmentation to focus on potential customers that will be interested in your products and services will also help to save time. A digital marketing company in Dubai does a detailed market analysis before brainstorming any campaign.

4.Target Oriented Content

Now that you have located your target audience and defined your goals it’s time to start creating your campaign. Any campaign is only as good as its contents which are successful in resonating with the target audience. Coming up with new and original campaign ideas is not always easy.
Studying the popular proven methods used by competitors can provide a good start for your own campaign to improve upon. A thorough understanding of the competition and their previous marketing strategies will help you to steer clear of failed ones. You can learn from their mistakes!

5.Audience Interaction

Ensure to make your audience participate in your campaign. Sometimes adding a lucrative prize, related to your business can attract more participants. You can also invest in visuals like infographics, videos, and pictures that capture the attention of your audience. Another method is to engage the audience in a fun game like a memory game, a quiz, a jackpot, or another playful campaign that will increase the participation rate and encourage sharing with their friends. Also, customer feedback is crucial to ensure the campaign is on the right track.

6.Premium Customers

UAE is blessed with ample users who are financially and culturally rich. They like to stand out from the crowd and do not shy away from spending on premium products that flaunt their uniqueness in value and luxury. So instead of using terms like cheap pricing, deals, special offers, etc focusing on aspects of uniqueness, luxury, and limited editions to resonate better as a brand with users. For example, UAE is among the highest in the world per capita in terms of luxury car sales. This is mainly because UAE is a rich market across various industries like automobiles, real estate, lifestyle, tourism, etc. Lifestyle experiences have a higher weightage when marketing in the UAE.

7.Respect traditions, guidelines, and rules

The main reason why UAE is very successful is because of the respect and adherence to the guidelines and rules by its residents. Hence make sure to follow the well-defined guidelines, rules, and restrictions within UAE regions while creating advertisements. They have a zero-tolerance to campaigns that do not respect their laws and each region may have unique rules. So do not hurt their sentiments and at the same time respect their beliefs if you want to gain acceptance. Long-term relationships are key for conducting business among premium clients and this comes only with trust.

8.Brand Recognition

Although essential for every country, with millions of alternatives available, brand recognition and loyalty makes all the difference in UAE. Customers today have the power to make or break a brand. So brand monitoring, brand reputation, brand recognition, etc are key in any business. Brand recognition used to be an intangible asset, but with the latest online tools measuring these attributes, metrics are easily achieved.
To ensure a strong brand reputation, one needs to be able to influence their consumer’s opinions in a way that redefines how they think and speak about the brand online.

Digital Marketing Campaigns are considered to be the best method of running a marketing campaign in the UAE due to the availability of tools to track the metrics online and take necessary steps before it’s too late. Intersmart Solution UAE is a famous Digital marketing company in UAE with multinational clients and expertise exceeding 10 years in the field of digital marketing.

Things to Consider When Migrating a Website

Expert web designers recommend that a website redesign need to be done every 3-4 years to keep up with design trends and web standards which is often accomplished with a new facelift or re-skin.
A simple update wouldn’t be considered to be an act of migration usually. The change needs to be substantial enough to affect some of the core functionalities of the website. Technological changes like changes to the website’s structure, platform, content, location, or design are considered to account for migration. Web designing companies in UAE can help to analyze if your website needs to be migrated or not.
The real question however is, when is a site migration inevitable? If the answer to the below questions is yes, then consider investing in website migration at the earliest.

  • Your current outdated website doesn’t represent your brand.
  • If you change the name of the company or need to adopt a new domain name/URLs.
  • When the site needs to be moved to HTTPS from HTTP(adding SSL certificates)
  • When you need to change the location of the site from one server to another
  • The current CMS needs to be changed to accommodate more functionality

Now that you have finally decided to migrate the website, there are certain things you need to keep in mind while doing so. Anyone you speak to about this will tell you that site migration will result in reduced traffic and revenue loss. Although it would be true in some cases, Web design company Dubai can help to migrate without losing any traffic or revenue by planning ahead each step. In fact, you may even see considerable growth right after launching a revamped website. Below mentioned are the subtle points to keep in mind before and after migration.

Before Migration

  • Create a plan: assign relevant stakeholders, like UX, analysts, SEOs, IT, content, and marketers to their designated tasks, and implement Go/No-Go checklists to ensure that everyone involved finishes their assigned tasks on time.
  • Crawl your old site: Find issues and adding those fixes into your site migration roadmap. You can monitor your site’s rankings by comparing rankings before and after moving to your new CMS or framework.
  • Identify your top-performing pages: you should keep what is already performing well and work on improving the rest. You need to prioritize top-performing pages & top strategic pages before launch.
  • Set up a test environment: You’ll want to launch the full site on the new CMS in the test environment and compare it to your current site. Also, add a “coming soon” landing page. Once the domain is live, set up Google Search Console, you can then test if Google can access it, etc.
  • Google Search Console: Make sure the old and new versions of your website are registered in Google Search Console. You need to register sub-domains or sub-directories in the Google Search Console for the new site.
  • Temporarily block access to the new site: Google emphasizes that Googlebot remembers directives. So, if your website uses no index tags temporarily, Googlebot will remember this directive even after the tag is lifted and not index your pages right away.
  • Crawl your new site: to efficiently catch errors and take preventative measures as required.
  • Update your site’s DNS settings: change your DNS settings to point to the new IP address, preferably outside of peak hours.
  • Speed comparison: Ensure to compare your new site’s server performance for speed with that of your old site
  • Configure analytics: make sure that all tags, scripts, and codes are still implemented and also verify that any third-party extensions, ad and tracking codes, or social plugins on the site will work properly.
  • Update canonical tags and Prepare your redirects: fix any canonical tags that were incorrect on your old site, before migrating to your new site and test your
  • Rewrite Rules that will 301 redirect from all of the identified existing URLs to the new URL versions
  • Generate your new XML sitemap: Once the site is switched over, upload your new XML sitemap to your Google Search Console property.
  • Configure your URL parameters: Make a list of all the campaigns that would have to be updated once the migration is complete.

The Day of Launch

  • Enable and test your redirects: if you have new URLs that don’t match the old versions or you are switching your domain check the 301 redirects list to make sure all pages are matched to the correct URL.
  • Verify Internal links: Check for broken links and correct them
  • Verify Canonicalization: make sure you don’t have multiple URLs for the same content that may eventually disrupt the progress of your pages in SERPs.
  • Configure your web analytics: ensure that your web analytics is tracking traffic on your new site and add an annotation in your analytics platform on the date of the launch
  • Submit your new XML Sitemap: Upload the new XML sitemap to your new property in Google Search Console.

After Migration

  • Site Auditing: Monitor your new site for position changes and other errors to make it into the SERPs quickly.
  • Check the performance: page speed is relatively more important now that you have migrated. You have an entirely new website with plenty of URLs that you want to be indexed at the earliest.
  • Validate your new site redirects: on your status codes 301 redirects, 404s, 500s, etc.
  • External links:  Inform the partners, influencers, and other parties who drive traffic to your site to update the external links they are currently using.
  • Validate your ads and Execute your updated campaigns: ensure that ads, plugins (like social buttons), and third-party codes are working on the new site.
  • Monitor your log files: Make sure that the most important, strategic pages are performing well post-migration and aren’t suffering from mistakes like an accidental no-index tag.
  • Rankings and Traffic Monitor both site versions to track traffic and rankings activity. Over time, you should start to see more of your new URLs ranking and getting traffic than your old URLs
  • Troubleshoot: Run a new audit to see if there are any changes in content along with pinpointing technical issues. Navigate through your site as a visitor and ensure everything is running smoothly on the front end.

Migrating the website is an effective way to stay up to date with the latest trends and attract more visitors. Intersmart is a leading Web development company in Dubai with over 11 years of experience in the field and having an expertise in the website revamping sector.

Why brands need Search Engine Optimization services in the UAE

SEO has evolved a lot as a key business performance driver from the early 2000s to today. Many will be having questions regarding the relevance of SEO in 2021. The answer to all those questions is, SEO still matters.

So Why do brands need SEO in UAE? Do you know that the UAE has a greater percentage of internet users than the USA? UAE has ranked “17” globally whereas the USA ranked 24. These statistics clearly show that more internet access means more google searches. And you definitely be wanting Google to rank your website. With SEO, you can make your website rank at the top. So what happens when your website is not ranking? The answer is simple. Then you won’t be visible to your target audience. Search engine optimization services are a method used to improve a website’s visibility, and searchability, and enhances the website’s ranking. If done well, you can get your website to the top.

Seo is one of the best choices for any brand to boost its ranks on search engines. It is a great way to drive traffic, opportunities, and sales to your website. There are many benefits you can reap from SEO:

  • Helps in building a brand
  • More traffic
  • Affordable
  • Helps to find the audience
  • Increased engagements & conversions

How to improve your site’s ranking

  • Know Google’s algorithm

Google’s algorithm is complex and constantly evolving, but it operates on the basis of two basic principles: return relevant, quality content to users who search for it. Google uses a combination of algorithms and numerous ranking factors. Google’s algorithm is the foundation on which our entire organization is built.

  • Create relevant content

Google aims to rank the most relevant results for searchers. So if your content isn’t relevant, it won’t rank. In this guide, you’ll learn how to create relevant content that Google wants to rank for certain search terms.

  • Optimize Meta Tags

Meta Tags are codes that provide vital information to search engines. They can help make your website more visible in search engine results and give you an advantage over your competitors.

  • Build Backlinks

Backlinks are the number one ranking factor in search engines. They can make a page look more legitimate and give it a boost in the SERPs. At BacklinkXpress, we generate backlinks from your website’s pages and improve them with tools like Majestic SEO Premium links and other relevant content links.

  • Use keywords in the content

In order to have a better chance of being found, indexed, and ranked by search engines, you need to use keywords correctly in your content. Keywords don’t just perform an additional search on the web page itself, but will also help rank the page in SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages).

  • Ensure your site is mobile-friendly 

Google has been favoring mobile-friendly websites since 2015 and has taken action to index them since March 2018. Since then, there have been more searches from mobile devices than from desktops, and Google’s algorithm is currently rewarding sites that are mobile-friendly.

If you are planning to launch a brand, then you must use all the benefits of digital marketing in order to build your brand. SEO is an affordable service used by many brands and it helps in growing the business by providing more customers to the website. On top of that, they will also help with branding, social media marketing, and other recurring tasks that many businesses need help with.

So, you must have understood the need for SEO for brands in UAE. If you are someone who is planning to launch a brand, then you should utilize all the benefits of digital marketing to build your brand. If people are searching for your product, they will find it. So, if your business is looking to improve the visibility of your website, then SEO is one of the most effective ways to increase traffic and boost conversions. SEO is an affordable service used by many brands be it clothing, IT firms, restaurants, home repairs, or real estate, everyone uses SEO for better & long-term results. So if you are having doubts regarding doing SEO, then find a digital marketing company in UAE.

Digital Marketing trends in 2021

The global pandemic is continuing its spread across the world and not showing any signs of stepping back. Anyways the pandemic has opened different ways to promote businesses online. According to studies, more business has turned its products and services online. To become a successful marketer you have to stay informed and updated to the ever-changing digital marketing trends. Let us look at some digital marketing trends in 2021.

  • AI-Powered Chatbots
  • Voice Search Trend
  • Video marketing trend
  • Interactive content trend
  • Higher investment in YouTube ads
  1. AI-Powered Chatbots

Chatbots are machines that make conversations with customers through text or audio. AI-Powered chatbots understand the intention of human by using natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning (ML) to deliver natural conversation. It is assumed that AI-powered chatbots replace human in customer support apps and digital channels.

2. Voice Search Trend

People have become increasingly fond of using digital voice assistants because of their convenience. According to studies, 40% of all the google search queries are voice searches. By 2021 it is expected to reach 9.7 per cent increase to 122.7 million users. This increase in voice search trend calls for a change in SEO strategies. Most people use voice search assistants for local businesses. So it is better businesses must optimize their online presence and brand information to take advantage of these trends.

3. Video marketing trend

Video marketing is the best method that allows brands to connect with their customers and promote more human interaction. Video ads give customers a clear idea about the products and services. Short videos, animated videos, live motion and DIYs, helps you to create an identity and build your brand among the audience.

4. Interactive content trend

Content is something that always attracts customers to the brand. Interactive content focus on engaging the audience to the brand. For example, puzzles, quizzes, Q & As, polls, videos etc increase customer engagement with the brand. Also, interactive content allows you to build brand awareness and engage your target audience.

5. Investment in YouTube ads

Have you ever thought why brands invest in YouTube? Over 2 billion users use YouTube on a daily basis, and YouTube remains the second largest search engine and the third most frequented site on the Internet. The number of users is increasing day by day. This allows brands to reach customers more efficiently across the world through influencer marketing.

Covid -19 is mostly likely to last over 2021. The best digital marketing company in Dubai gives you the benefit of creating an effortless online presence for your brand. Also, a leading digital marketing company in Dubai always stays informed and updated to the latest digital marketing trends. The flexible digital marketing services from the right digital marketing company in UAE can find you the perfect strategy to fit your brand.

Digital Marketing Trends In 2020

Well, Digital Marketing is expanding day by day. We can see immense growth in this field—more job opportunities, more businesses, etc.

In 2020 the Digital Marketing scenes have changed a lot. We can sell anything over the internet if we have good marketing & research skill.

Here we are going to discuss the top Digital Marketing trends in 2020. We conducted a survey from Digital Marketing specialists from the Intersmart community about their observations on Digital Marketing Trends in 2020. We finalized some of the significant trends in the industry, So let’s get started.

  • Programmatic Advertising
  • Chat Bots
  • Visual Search
  • Browser Push Notifications
  • Social Commerce & Shoppable Posts
  • Programmatic Advertising

Programmatic advertising means with the help of AI to automate ads so that you can target more specific audiences. This automation is much more effective and durable, which means higher conversions and lower customer acquisition costs.

Programmatic Advertising is changing the face of digital marketing; according to Digital Marketers, 86.2% of display ads in the U.S will be programmatic by 2020.

  • Chat Bots

The era of chatbots is not over. They will continue to be a part of Digital Marketing in 2020, and so on. Most of the Chatbots are AI base, and it uses instant messaging to chat in real-time with your customer or website visitors.

Many users prefer interacting with chatbots as they are responsive 24/7, give solutions quickly & accurately. These virtual assistants offer excellent customer service by meeting customers’ expectations and automating repetitive tasks.

  • Visual Search

Visual search can take the user experience to a different level: People can upload an image to search and get more precise results. There are many visual search providers out there, and they are:

  • Pinterest
  • Google Lens
  • CamFind
  • Bing Visual Search
  • Browser Push Notifications

Push notifications are on the rise, with 85% of online stores using them in 2019. Web Push Notifications or Browser notifications are notifications that your website visitors can choose to stay updated without installing our app. These clickable rich content messages can be sent to users’ devices by a website or a web app.

As part of the bid to engage users on multiple channels, browser push notifications are something you will see more and more brands utilizing in 2020 – and they are getting more advanced and personalized. Using personalized push notifications increases conversions:

  • Social Commerce & Shoppable Posts

In March 2019, Instagram revealed Instagram Checkout, which lets users make their purchase within Instagram: This increases sales. E-commerce brands believe this will reduce the risk that customers will leave their purchase because they have to shift apps or sign in to a new store.

These were some of the significant Digital Marketing Trends In 2020. You can check our previous blog Digital Marketing Tactics in 2020. For more Digital Marketing consultations, you can check on Digital Marketing Company In Dubai.


Why every B2B business needs a website?

Why every B2B business needs a website? People search the internet first for products and services if they need anything. When they search for the services you offer or specifically for your business, you want to show up- and but just showing up does not make any difference. Your website has to look good and there has to be something that attracts the audience. Especially for B2B sites, Having a strong website will make the first impression that you need to land more clients. So what to consider when designing the B2B website? get along.

An effective B2B website is the one that generates leads for your business. It should motivate the visitor to do business with you. So what all factors you should consider while designing a B2B website.

  • What you offer
  • What makes you unique
  • How you work

Your website should give the exact idea of What you offer to your customers, What makes you unique, i.e is your service, and How you work. Information such as hours of operation, location, and contact info should be greatly easy to find. Testimonials and feedbacks can be added as it will make you more trustworthy. Adding social media profiles on the website provides a platform to connect with your customer. Moreover, customers should have a basic idea of what they can expect when doing business with you just from the site. People visit your website looking for a quick solution, so make it easy for them by providing quick answers to their queries.

What are the most important factors in the design of a website?

  • Ease to use
  • Knowledge about customer’s requirement
  • Minimalist design
  • Write like a human
  • Customer engagement
  • Social media engagement
  • Call to action

To create a great B2B website you have to choose the right web designing company in Dubai. A professional web design company can help you in creating a useful B2B website. How to choose the right web design company in Dubai?

  • Search reviews online
  • Going through their portfolio
  • Pricing
  • Web design services offered
  • Proactive customer support
  • Content Creation

Your website builds the first impression of your brand. so you have to make sure that it provides a good impression that it should convert viewers to customers. By following these practices you will be able to set up a great, useful B2B website.

Digital Marketing Tactics in 2020

Digital Marketing is continuously evolving day by day and it will continue to evolve in the coming years too. Digital Marketing consequently allows you to connect with all kinds of audience groups across the world. And that is why Digital marketing is considered as the future of Marketing. The tactics that what worked in 2018 or 2019 may not work the same way in 2020, and to get the best possible results for our clients, we have to stay on top of these trends. Down here are 4 digital marketing tactics you should be using this year.

  • Voice Search
  • Invest in influencers
  • Google Verified Listings for Local SEO
  • Remarketing
  • Voice Search

It is predicted that 50% of all searches will be voice searches in 2020. S your content must be voice-friendly otherwise it would not show as the search result. For that, the content should focus on fewer keywords and concentrate more on answering by understanding the user’s intention. For example, a person looking for a digital marketing company in Dubai might type digital marketing company Dubai but might ask which is the best digital marketing company in Dubai. So choose keywords based on the questions people may ask when they voice search.

  • Invest in influencers

An influencer is a person who has the power to affect the buying behaviour of any consumer. If you want to make influencer marketing effective, try collaborating with local influencers rather than the expensive celebrities. Because consumers are seeking transparency from brands. Also, maintain a long-term relationship with the influencers as it will benefit your business.

  • Google Verified Listings for Local SEO

Google My Business really help your local business to be visible and provide valuable information to the audience. Also, it helps your business to establish a geographical location. These Google My Business benefit you by showing your business in the “near me” searches and it delivers the audience basic ideas about the working hours, address, reviews, and others.

  • Follow through with remarketing

Remarketing is a marketing technique used to target people who previously interacted with your website or mobile app. Most of the people don’t know how to use remarketing to boost your sales. Online display advertisements draw consumers to your site or app so that you can target them with inexpensive, effective messaging wherever they are online. Here are three examples of remarketing.

  • Over phone
  • Email
  • Social media

So these top 4 tactics will definitely help your company to be the top digital marketing company in UAE.

4 ways to build Quality BackLinks

Backlinks are backbones of SEO. But not all Backlinks serves the same result. Quality varies on Domain Authority, Page Authority, Quality of the Content. There are different methods to generate backlinks.

You will have a doubt hoe will backlinks helps in SEO. The central concept of SEO is getting ranked in higher positions on Google SERP; thus, it gets more traffic. One way to list well, and to generate more organic traffic, is to gain backlinks from trustworthy websites in your industry.

Here were are going to check 5 smartest ways to build quality backlinks to your site. Let’s check them out!

Guest Blogging

It is one of the most successful and satisfying ways to build backlinks. Links from quality content will help boost your SEO. The concept is to provide engaging content that suits the publisher’s audience, find it acceptable, and schedule the post for future publication.

Guest blogging allows several benefits to any business. By sharing your expertise on other websites, you can establish yourself as an authority figure. Before you get started with guest blogging, make sure you’re clear about what you’re looking out of the guest blogging. Look for business blogs by non-competitor companies where you can present real insight to readers.

Blog Commenting


A question everyone’s once asked themselves. Blog Commenting is one of the easiest ways to build backlinks. An active blog commenting strategy will ensure your backlink remains constant or goes up with time. Blog commenting is super easy, but it’s a little boring. However, that an advantage for you because it means most people won’t put in the work.

Build Brocken Links

Broken link building is a method where you find a broken link, recreate the dead content, then tell anyone linking to the dead resource to instead link to your recreated content.

Broken link building isn’t a new tactic, but with the web’s growth in recent years and new technologies and redesigns, the number of broken links is increasing. This type of link building doesn’t appear to be in favour anymore. So find those broken links and recreate it.

To find Broken Links search Broken link checker.

Track Your Compitetior

Tracking your competitor will get a severe image of what they are doing, linking building strategy, their activity, etc. This will help you replicate their backlinks and understand what methods they are using to promote their website.

If they get links through guest blogging, try to become a guest blogger on the same websites. If most of their links come from blog reviews, get in touch with them and offer them a trial to test your services/tools. Eventually, they might write a review of it.

Master these methods and you can build quality backlinks with fewer efforts.

Instagram Marketing Tips

Instagram has become a part of our lifestyle. More companies are using Instagram than ever before, there are now over 25 million businesses on Instagram, most of them are small businesses. Instagram has established a profitable investment for marketing purposes. You’re able to market your products and target more audiences. It’s cheaper than traditional marketing.

The fact is 90% of Instagram users follow at least one Brand/Business. But using Instagram for business purposes can seem intimidating, particularly if you’ve only ever used it for personal use. Here, we’re going to explore how powerful Instagram for all your business needs.

How to Use Instagram for Business

  • Add Value With Your Content

Instagram is a visual platform. To attract an audience, you must spend time posting high-quality, responsive content. Instagram has the most engagement rate, surpassing Facebook, and Twitter. To succeed on Instagram, you must create valuable content that attracts an audience and encourages them to engage. You just don’t need to post images of your product to spread brand awareness and increase sales.

  • Maintain a Theme

Always maintain a theme, because if someone entered your Instagram feed the first thing they see if your bio then the images you shared on your feed, so maintaining a theme will give a better impression.

  • Engage With Your Audience

Engaging with your audience helps your followers feel valued and gain trust, as a result, more connected to your business. There are lots of ways to engage with your audience. You can reply to their comments on your posts, through contests or giveaways, use Instagram Stories polls feature, or give shout-outs to followers on your Stories, particularly if they post something related to your brand.

  • Consider Influencer Marketing

Surveys say that 82% of consumers are highly likely to follow a recommendation made by an influencer. That means there are a number of consumers willing to follow the recommendation from an influencer. Recommendation always works if its influencer, a friend, or family member.

  • Implement an Instagram Ad Campaign

Instagram ads could improve our brand awareness or increase sales. we all see at least 10 ads per day, and we tend to click 1 or 2 among them mostly some of these clicks lead to follow them. You must focus on one goal when creating an effective ad campaign. An Instagram ad intending to sell a product will look much different from one expecting to attract followers. To deliver an effective campaign, you must decide what you’re hoping to achieve before you begin

Once you’ve chosen a goal, you’ll want to create a creative ad. Take a look at other ads on Instagram and think about how you might compete with them.

While creating ads you have 2 options either create an ad on Facebook Ads Manager or create it from Instagram (Promote icon from the image you have posted).

If you find difficult creating ads or managing campaigns, consider hiring a social media marketing company or digital marketing Company. They know more about how to plan and place ads.


5 Ways to improve ranking for your Website.

In this era of the digital world, even small business owners have been thinking about search engine optimization. It’s because most people use search engines like google, bing, etc. to find the product they need to buy. But how to improve the rankings of our website?

If this is a piece of cake, you are wrong. Improve rankings, it’s a bit tricky job.

There are several factors for ranking a website. That’s why we’ve put up a guide to improve the search engine ranking of your websites.

We’ve sorted out 5 basic but essential factors that will help you to improve your website ranking. Let’s go through the 5 ways to enhance the ranking of your website.

  • Conduct A Site Audit.
  • Optimize The Website For Mobile.
  • Improve Inbound&Outbound Links.
  • Fix Duplicate Content.
  • Optimize Your Site Speed.

As we mentioned before, these are necessary but essential methods that will help your site to rank better.

Conduct A Site Audit.

You want to find out the best ways to enhance search engine optimization for your website, and you need to start with an SEO website audit. An audit will help you recognize your site’s strengths and weaknesses.

By doing a site audit, you will get an actual idea about what is your weakness, and you can develop a strategy that will help your website to rank better.

Some of the top website audit sites are listed below.




Open site explorer

gt matrix

These are some of the mainstream audit tools you can find others from google itself.

Optimize The Website For Mobile.

Mobile site optimization is not optional for businesses. In 2015, Google penalizes sites that are not optimized for mobile devices. Its because most of the search users are from mobile devices, that is 55% of searches are coming from mobile devices.

If you want to rank better, this is one crucial part. We all know everyone has a smartphone; it’s easy for people to search for their products. So make sure our websites are mobile-friendly.

Improve Inbound&Outbound Links.

Link building is another essential way to increase search engine optimization results. The best way to increase the number of backlinks to your content is to write content that’s worth linking. The more valuable content you create and share with others, the more likely other sites will link back to your content.

As well as building backlinks, we need to do internal linking. If there is an opportunity to link to a relevant site page or blog post within your content, do it. Internal linking will not only help you increase search engine optimization results, but it allows you to guide readers to other content that they might find helpful.

Fix Duplicate Content.

Duplicate content can negatively influence your SEO efforts. Google always wants to reward sites that have unique site content. So they penalize sites with duplicates. That’s why it’s essential to check your website for duplicate content and fix these issues before google starts to bring down your SERP rankings.

Duplicate content is not only a factor as we said earlier, but Google also checks the uniqueness of the content.

So always try to create high-quality content. However, if the content is not easy to read this will be a bad experience for the consumers so they might leave your site.

Optimize Your Site Speed.

Site speed is also another factor that the Google algorithm takes into consideration when ranking your site. When your page takes more time to load the consumers get frustrated and leave off your site and move to your competitor’s website. And this lead to an increase of bounce rate to your site and you don’t want that to happen.

To improve your ranking and page speed, you need to take some actions/changes on your sites. Here are some factors that affect load times:

  • Size of the Images.

 Larger image files take a long time to load, impacting your site speed. Compress and optimize your image files so that they don’t take much time in loading.

  • Manage the size of Scripts

JS and CSS files can slow down your site, so make sure that you need to compress those file sizes. If you don’t know what to do so ask your developer to do it.

There are some of the factors that help you to rank better in SERPs. Search engine optimization is an ongoing process that takes careful consideration and continuous effort to rank between the first few results on Google’s SERP.

If you don’t have the time or in-house expertise to manage your SEO improvement works, Contact the best SEO Company in Dubai. Our team of SEO experts works to help your brand consistently rank on the first page of Google.