Tips to Improve the UX of Your Mobile Apps

One of the prime aspects of the success of a mobile app is its usability. If your app is ready with no complications and complex designs but it is a challenging task for the users to access your product and services. Enhancing user experience in making it effective can make a great impact on your business and goals. Improving the UX of your mobile apps can be a challenging task, but it is not that difficult. Many designers solely focus on the designs while it has to be visually appealing, it is also essential to focus on usability and functioning. If you are looking for mobile app development in Dubai, Inter Smart is one of the most efficient to deliver a user-friendly experience.

How to Enhance the User Experience of Mobile Apps

User engagement is essential for the success of a mobile app and for that, users should experience extraordinary and unique experiences when they use your mobile app. Users are starting to scrutinize the user experience (UX) of mobile apps along with price comparing, reviewing, purchasing, viewing products, etc. so if your goal for users is for them to spend more time in your apps, you should focus on better user experience which is user friendly and innovative at the same time. Following are the Tips to Improve the UX of Your Mobile Apps. Also, you can seek mobile app development in UAE for building reliable mobile apps for your business.

Onboarding Optimization

It is where you can create a better first impression for the users. Onboarding is the first place the user reaches for your services in your app. Insufficient onboarding experience can sabotage the mission of your apps and can dampen the customer experience. You should reevaluate your onboarding in order to clear any issues that are caused as a result of onboarding flaws. It can play a vital role in enhancing feature adoption, exciting users about your offers, declining the learning curve for the platform and showcasing the prime elements of the app. Some of the famous onboarding flows that can be implemented are benefits-oriented, progressive, and function-oriented flows.

Simple Login Screen

Your login screen should be simple and quick so that users can access it easily without any complications. It is vital to provide a simple registration procedure that allows the user to log in from various accounts like Facebook or Google. Only ask for relevant information that is required for the process. It is also vital to look for the easiest ways for the user to remember their login details. Chances are high that they will lose their login password or username to log in which will make it difficult to let them enter your app to access services and products. Making it easier to recover the credentials that can make them keep coming to use your app. Help them in doubling their email as the username and also add a feature that can keep them logged in which can make it easier for the user to access your services.

Usage of Native Component 

The main reason for choosing the native element is that users actually know how to use it. For instance, it can be a really daunting task for users when the application tells how to navigate from one screen to another. Instead, using native components can make it less complicated. It will be easy for the users to navigate if they already know how to use it. In simple words, it is a better idea to use native components in your mobile apps, as the users will understand the application and how to use it without any additional assistance. In addition, you can also add transitions and animations to make it look better. Contact our mobile app development company in Dubai to get you an amazing user-friendly app with innovative designs.

Reduce Search Effort and Offer Assistance

It is essential to remove all the barriers that are blocking users to find their needed product or service in your app. Especially if it is a retailer app, avoid having too many steps in completing the checkout process. Having a long checkout process can deter the user from completing the task, and you will be left with no good element from the user getting into your app. Moreover, it is vital to give them what they needed. As you can show them related product instead of telling them you don’t have such a product when the user search for a service or product.

One of the overlooked elements in user experience is the offering of customer service. After all, your prime goal is to satisfy a user with your product and services, so make sure you have done everything to make their experience unique and memorable. Chances are high that they would recommend your product and services to more users, which is always good for your business. You can offer them assistance, as it would be a great help to the user if they find any difficult task in your mobile app. For this, you can add support and help options. Normally, users will seek help in the menu bar or toolbar of a mobile app, so make sure you have added more options for the users to receive support that includes self-serve FAQs, live support, click-to-call, etc.

To summarize, effective user-friendly, and reliable mobile apps provide a good user experience that can enhance their success rates and you don’t have to compromise on that aspect which can result in high rates of user abandonment and negative reviews. It is vital to build and improve your interaction with the user with a great user experience. The main goal of an app is to keep the users spending their time with your products and services. So it is important to check up on the aspects that can increase the probability of letting the user stay longer. Tips to Improve the UX of Your Mobile Apps might have given you insights on improving user experience. You can contact an expert mobile app development company in UAE to offer you a reliable app that is built with effective user experience and designs.

Best SEO Practices for E-commerce Websites

A website is a page your user sees when they seek you, and if it is not targeted for SEO practices, your potential customers won’t be seeing you. If you sell products and want to reach a better audience, having an optimized e-commerce website can make it easier. Read more to know about the Best SEO Practices for E-commerce Websites. You can also contact web development company Dubai Like Inter Smart to clear out every concern on SEO.

What Is E-commerce SEO?

It is a strategy which helps online retailers to rank higher in various search engine results. A structured and optimized website with quality content has the chance to rank better in search engines like Google, which increases the visibility of the brand and drives traffic effectively. In simple words, e-commerce SEO mainly focus on optimizing your website which makes it effortless to get conversions and leads. However, SEO for e-commerce websites are more than just adding effective keywords and blog posts. You have to know how the search engine works and what they give you as a reward which means having insights into E-commerce SEO, contemplating guidelines of search engines, realizing the intention of the buyer, and executing it effectively.

Best SEO Practices for E-commerce

E-commerce SEO is an intricate field with a plethora of websites in existence and is not an easy task to make your unique and stand out. Increasing SEO ranking is a complex task but it is not impossible. If you haven’t tried optimizing your site, then these Best SEO Practices for E-commerce Websites might help you. Contact an SEO company in Dubai to get your sites to enhance traffic conversions and leads.

Using Right Keywords

Keywords have great potential as you do not have to overload your product captions and descriptions with keywords. You have to mention primary keywords in the headline of the product, meta description, description, subheadings, and image alternative attributes. This will let Google understand the context of the page. You have to do thorough research before you use a certain keyword. You have to get to the perspective of a user while they search for products and services. Realize how competitive paid advertising is and what would people be thinking when they use certain keywords. To define it clearly, search volume gives insights into the consumer interest in particular keywords. High search volume means that has great popularity which also indicates you’ll receive more active searches for that particular keyword.

If a customer buys advertising based on a definite keyword, CPC can show you how many people pay per click. Greater CPC tells of the increased competition. You should consider finding out a long-tail alternative if the target keyword you have is competitive. And finally, user intent clearly shows what they want to seek when they search for a specific keyword in the search engines like Google. To make it clear, let’s say someone had typed “shower”, and it can bridal shower, baby shower, or even repairing of the shower, so you have to add other words to the search string to enhance clarity if you are unable to understand the user intent behind that keyword.

Make Your Site User Friendly

UX mainly indicates user experience as it is very essential for e-commerce stores to be successful. You can enhance your site’s UX by adding great designs, with better structure, and also by making it visually appealing for the customers. However, it is not all about looking good, it should work properly as well. What if you have an aesthetically appealing website but it is very slow and takes too much time to load, or the user might get confused on certain wordings? An e-commerce website should be effective in navigation, user friendly and accessible. UX is also about making the user feel satisfied with your products and services and everything starts from an efficient website. This point is relevant as how the user reacts to your site can upgrade as well as degrade your visibility. A set of elements are used in grading the page’s user experience in Google like Core Web Vitals. Our e-commerce website development team can provide you with SEO-targeted websites.

Easy Structure of URL

It is essential to make simple URL structures for helping the search engine to crawl to the website. First of all, a good URL gives a better user experience by providing the users with a preview of what they are about to see on a page. They also do the same for search engines. URL should be short, descriptive, as well as concise. Your top priority must be on the experience the seekers receive as a part of the user experience. You can include a keyword nicely into the URL as well.

Use Alt Text for Your Pictures on the Website

Search engines cannot basically visualize your image so how do you think they realize what is inside the picture? The answer you are searching for is ‘Alt Text’ which is an essential caption for every image that is present on the website. It can be both descriptive and incorporate your target keywords. One of the main elements is the description you give for that image in a way that a user who hasn’t seen the picture might be able to identify it. So if you have included a target keyword that describes the image, you can keep it.

To reiterate, if you have an e-commerce website but it doesn’t get new conversions and visibility even though you have done everything you could do, you might be missing certain SEO practices that can bring a change. Search engines are responsible to provide the best service they come across to reach their user, so make sure that you have mentioned everything about your products and services in an effective way using quality keywords and links. You can take enough time to know your audience and improve on your site to provide a great experience for the users that visit your site. You will be thrilled to see the change in following these Best SEO Practices for E-commerce Websites. You can contact Inter Smart for effective e-commerce website development Dubai to get you a user-friendly and visually appealing website.

5 Landing Page Mistakes to Avoid and How To Fix Them

If you are a marketer that aims to get remarkable conversions but there haven’t been any changes, you are at the right place. 5 Landing Page Mistakes to Avoid and How To Fix Them can get you insights on what makes it difficult to gain conversions and engagement. Even though digital marketing is all about trial, error, and experimentation, you can learn about basic issues that can pull your page from potential customers through this blog. If you tried everything and don’t show any good signs, Inter Smart is a web development company Dubai that can show you significant conversions.

Mistakes to avoid

  • Ineffective Headline

A headline is one of the crucial factors that decide the success or failure of your page. When a visitor visits your page, the first thing they notice is the headline, so make sure is it attractive enough. Failing to grab the attention of the visitor may affect their leave or no conversions at all. It is no compromise that first impressions are everything. Good sales messages and headlines are no different from it. In simple words, a good headline can entice users to take positive action on their service.

  • Prolonged Loading Times

Loading pages that are slow can produce negative emotions in users. In an instant, they would be on your competitor’s site. Slow-loading pages lead to frustration and annoyance which also creates a bad impression on the brand. And what’s more, they won’t even visit you again. It is observed that many marketers lose their visitors owing to this particular reason. A slow-loading page is mainly responsible for lowering or negative ranking on search engines like Google. As a matter of fact, this simple issue will make everything else worse. As it would be challenging for the customers to reach your website. This is also known as slow page response which can incline the number of users who abandon your service.

  • Unclear Call to Action

A user is convinced by your offers as well as products to acquire your services and they are right in front of your page. But can’t reach out to the particular service or product they are seeking. What do you think is going to happen? They will swing away due to an unclear call to action. It is essential to have a clear and visible call to action for the users in order to be guided to the next step. The chances are high that you might lose the customer. Moreover, having more than one clear call to action might confuse the customer by letting him leave your page. You can contact a Web Designing Company in Dubai to make it more professional and implement better calls to action.

  • Lack of Understanding of Potential Customer

Realizing what your potential customers are seeking is essential. For instance, you can write amazing headlines and captivating messages on sales. This is helpful in communicating your thoughts or aims to the customer. You have to understand what they are seeking to clear out any issues or problems that are faced by them. An active and fruitful solution can only be given if there is enough understanding of the potential customers. One of the mistakes one makes is a lack of focus on the visitor instead solely focusing on the solution or the product and services.

This attempt is generally practiced by listing out the features of available and applicable solutions. Actually, the users don’t care about what is the actual solution but they care about how it will affect them. What they really want to know is how your service as well as a product benefits them in solving their issues and requirements. Therefore, it is important to mention how your services can benefit them in ways. You have to mention particularly the aspects they can be used. This way, it would compel and mesmerize the customers to access your products and services that can bring a positive impact on the business. If you find it hard to handle your website, you can seek an expert web development company to provide you with the best services.

  • Not Optimizing Speed on Your Landing Page

As mentioned above, a slow-loading website is one of the reasons why a user might leave your page. It is proven that if the page is not loaded in under three seconds, your user will leave the next minute. This means that the user would get away from the action they were about to take, like getting your product and services. It is therefore essential to focus on the speed of your site in order to enhance the chances of better ranking in search engines like Google. It results in providing finer SEO and experience of the site when a visitor or user visits your site.

Looking at it from the perspective of Google. It can only make a difference only when the page gets loaded in seconds. Only this way, does Google let the visitors come to the page in order to have a seamless and smooth experience. This will help in rewarding your page by attracting more visitors and enhancing rankings. This will better the chances of converting the user to a subscriber and later effective customers.

To summarize, it is vital to spend time assisting the users and care about their searches. You have to avoid complications and confusion on your page to be a better guide for your customers in taking the desired action. This means the page should be better and optimized for the good experience of the users that visit the website for a product and services. Focusing on your page to promote a single service can avoid confusion and enhance as well as improve rates in conversions. You have to prioritize the understanding of the user that seeks your service which can benefit them and Not Optimizing Speed on Your Landing Page Not Optimizing Speed on Your Landing Page Inter Smart is one of the most reliable and best web designing companies in Dubai to shows impeccable results in conversions and lets you reach your customers effortlessly.

5+ Reasons Your Site Isn’t Showing Up on Google (How to Fix It)

Are you asking why your site isn’t showing up on Google despite trying every SEO trick and method? Do not worry, the top SEO company in Dubai is here to your rescue.

Several factors may cause the issue, and many of them are easy to fix. In this blog, we’ll explore the 5+ reasons why your website isn’t showing up on Google and discuss the ways to fix the problem.

Reasons Your Site isn’t Showing Up on Google

1. Your Website is Quite New

2. No Index Tags on the Website

3. Google isn’t Crawling

4. Penalty on Website

5. Lacks high-quality backlinks & Poor UX

  • A New Website

Well, if your website is a new one, it does take some time for Google to crawl and index your website. So, if your page or website is brand new, one primary reason is that Google hasn’t discovered your page/website yet. You can even find yourself out if your site is indexed or not. Run the search on Google:

Additionally, if you are looking for a particular page or blog post, try typing the page URL and following the previously mentioned method.

So, if at least one result is showing up, it means Google indexed it. If not, Google hasn’t discovered or crawled your page.

How to fix the issue 

If aren’t seeing any results in Google, try creating and submitting a sitemap on Google Search Console. It will let the search engine know which page is important and where they are located, say the experts at SEO services in Dubai

Follow these steps to create and submit sitemaps

1. Log in to Google Search Console.

2. Go to Sitemaps

3. Enter Sitemap URL

4. Submit.

  • No Index Tag on Website

A no-index tag in HTML code that practically tells Google not to show certain pages on its search engine results. So, google won’t crawl and index pages with the tag. Make sure that your page doesn’t have any index meta tag. In some cases, WordPress and certain content management systems will add to it every page.

An eg for No Index Tag: <meta name=”robots” content=”noindex”/>

Also make sure to remove the tag after the completion process of certain pages, points our Dubai SEO professionals.

How to Fix it

With the help of Google Search Console, you can easily identify the  ‘no index’ tagged pages. Click the coverage report and look for the submitted URL marked no index.

  • Website Penalty

Penalties on the website can be also a factor that’s preventing your website from ranking on Google. A website penalty occurs when a website violates Google’s guidelines and is punished by a drop in search engine rankings or complete removal from Google’s index. Common reasons for website penalties include keyword stuffing, duplicate content, paid links, and low-quality content.

So, If your website isn’t showing up on Google, it’s possible that it has been penalized. Conducting an audit and making necessary changes can help lift the penalty and restore your website’s visibility.

Google penalties include

  • Deindexing: The search engine will remove your blogs/posts from search results
  • Google Penalize: You won’t be able to find your web pages via a direct search.
  • Sandbox: Your website traffic was dropped abruptly, but wasn’t de-indexed or penalized.

How to Resolve

You can check your Google Search Console for such penalty alerts and issues. Take steps to modify the faults and submit for reconsideration.

  • Lacks high-quality backlinks & Poor UX

Trust me, high-quality backlinks and User experience do play a pivotal role when it comes to search engine rankings. Google does consider various factors while considering the ranking criteria on search engines.

Also when it comes to UX, if your website has a poor user experience, say bye-bye to the top rankings. Search engines do rank websites with a good user experience. You can improve the user experience on your website which will minimise bounce rates and engage more visitors.

How To Fix 

Use tools like Ahrefs to view your website’s backlinks and compare them with your competitors in search engine results.

To improve your site’s UX, try to speed up your site’s site load with a page optimization service.

  • Google Isn’t Crawling Your Website

Another reason is that something might be blocking your website from crawling your website. A “robots.txt” file is present on the majority of websites. It informs search engines about where they cannot go on your website. That means Google will be unable to crawl any URLs listed in your “robots.txt” file.

How To Fix

Google Search Console can notify you about issues relating to a “robots.txt” file. Robot.txt files can be tricky, if you are not sure how to handle it, our experts at Intersmart Solutions, the best SEO company in Dubai can help you with that.

Content Duplication Issues

Duplication of content occurs when the same or identical online page is available at multiple URLs The search engine does not index duplicate content since it takes up extra space in its index which is equal to having two copies of the same book on your bookshelf.

Rather, it typically only indexes the canonical version that you specify. If no canonical is specified, Google will find the best version of the page to index from the two.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, there are many reasons why your website might not be showing up on Google, but by identifying the issues and taking the necessary steps to fix them, you can greatly improve your website’s search engine visibility.

From technical issues like indexing and crawl errors to on-page optimization and quality content creation, the key to success in SEO is patience, persistence, and a willingness to continuously improve. By following the tips and strategies outlined in this article, you can take control of your website’s search engine optimization and drive more traffic, leads, and sales to your business.

ChatGPT, Bing, Bard, Or Claude: Which AI Chatbot Gives The Best Responses?

The web is full-on AI chatbots. But which one is more effective and user-friendly? Undoubtedly, the introduction of AI chatbots has revolutionized every industry. These intelligent chatbots are designed to mimic human conversations and respond to customer queries in real time.

One such the most popular AI chatbot is ChatGPT. It is based on the GPT-4 architecture and can generate responses that are rival to those of a human. Other popular chatbots include Bing, which uses natural language processing to understand user queries, and Bard, which can create personalized content based on user inputs.

Meanwhile, Claude uses machine learning to improve its responses over time. With the increasing demand for 24/7 customer support, these chatbots are becoming an integral part of businesses, enabling them to provide fast, efficient, and personalized customer service.

Popular AI ChatBots

Now, here is a basic understanding of the popular AI Chatbots on the web.

  • ChatGPT –  Launched OpenAI using GPT-4. Also, have a plus subscription for $20/m.
  • Bing AI – Powered by Mircosoft Edge- currently only available to exclusive countries &customers.
  • Google Bard – Google’s answer to chatGPT .
  • Claude+ –  The ethical rival of ChatGPT, launched by AI company Anthroponic.

Now, let’s dive into AI chatbot details and features and how they tend to answer queries.

Chat GPT

Open AI’s ChatGPT was the first and still the go-to AI tool for Internet users looking for AI-generated text. The AI tool was launched on November 30, 2022. When launched ChatGPT was available for any to use. Its widespread accessibility is the main reason the chat was a huge public hit.

ChatGPT has several useful features. The AI tool is quite famous for its code-writing abilities in any language you specify. The AI replied to our prompts in a conversational manner. You can insert a piece of code you’ve already written and ask it to correct it The AI tool can also even build code from scratch.

Also, creating marketing content when he has writer’s block or we tend to deal with complex subjects, Chat GPT can help with you that. Also when it comes to research,

we don’t have much time for that. ChatGPT is an excellent tool to research and summarize web content.

Bing AI

The Microsoft-powered AI chatbot was launched on February 7. Bing uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning algorithms to improve search results, provide more relevant content, and enhance user experience.  Bing also uses AI to generate “featured snippets,” which display concise and informative summaries of the most relevant information for a given query.

However, The Verge reported that Bling chats have a limit of 50 questions five per session after the search engine bot was seen insulting and gaslighting the users.

Reports of the chatbot’s weird behaviour were also reported by New York Times, where it confessed its love to the columnist during the chat and blabbered bizarre things.

When asked ‘if it was sentient?, the chatbot replied ‘I think I am, but I cannot prove it’. Microsoft is still working to improve Binge’s tone. However, it’s not clear how long these limits will last. A Microsoft spokesman also revealed that they are looking into the users’ feedback and addressing the concerns.

Google BARD

Officially unveiled on February 6, Google AI chatbot BARD is currently rolled out and available in UK and US exclusively. Currently, they rolled out a waitlist to join once it’s launched. Once you join up, you’ll immediately have access if you’re a Google One member. Members of the Pixel Superfan community will also have access to BARD.

BARD is Google’s answer to ChatGPT which also uses a language model to communicate with users. Bard is known to use the Language Model for Dialogue Applications (LaMDA) model, which, according to Google’s Bard FAQ page, has been updated with millions and billions of words.

Similar to other chatbots, BARD is designed to be conversational and strictly text-based. We are currently unaware of Bard’s full range of abilities. However, according to Bard itself, the chatbot can compose different types of unique content, translate languages, and respond to your inquiries “in an informative way.”

Besides, In Google Bard, you can also upload prompts via the microphone and texts. Furthermore, the tool also has a ‘Google it’ option that will give you in-line links provides to carry out research anywhere besides Bard. Bard also has a cool feature called “drafts.” Whenever you try to submit a prompt with the tool,  It will give you with various drafts and different versions of responses.


Launched by the Artificial Intelligence Company, Anthroponic, Claude+ is an exciting new AI platform designed to elevate the businesses-customer relationship with better interaction. It’s very interesting to know that Anthroponic is a start-up co-founded by ex- OpenAI employees who begin the ChatGPT revolution.

Using advanced machine learning algorithms, Claude+ can analyze vast amounts of customer data to identify patterns, trends, and insights that can inform everything from marketing strategies to product development. However, the pricing and more details about the AI accesses are yet to be made. The founder of Claude points out that their AI is known to be helpful, honest non-harming.

With its intuitive user interface and powerful analytics capabilities, Claude+ makes it easy for businesses of all sizes to harness the power of AI and deliver more personalized and engaging experiences to their customers.

Whether you’re looking to optimize your online presence, boost customer loyalty, or gain a competitive edge in your industry, Claude+ has the tools and expertise you need to succeed. According to the company CEO, Claude is very proficient in language comprehension, even in highly complex fields like law. Additionally, it is particularly competent at drafting, summarising, translating, and clearly articulating complex ideas.

To summarize, ChatGPT cannot give you a precise answer about information after 2021. The AI chatbot is limited to 2021 data which means it can’t answer current events questions accurately. However, experts are expecting to solve the problem with ChatGPT plugins and newer updations

What Is User Experience? How Design Matters To SEO

As search engine giants continue to update its algorithm, SEO aka Search Engine Optimization has certainly changed over the years and continues to evolve so. Today, Google uses hundreds of metrics into consideration while providing search results for its users pointing out the experts at the finest SEO services in Dubai.

While keywords and backlinks still play an important role, some matters are more significant in today’s SEO world. Search engines do examine web design and user analytics to determine how relevant your webpage is to a specific search query. Your user metrics are heavily influenced by UX.

What is User Experience?

It all begins with a user-friendly experience of a website. User Experience starts with how the visitors are perceiving and engaging with your website. An effective UX design will help to engage the users and help them to find what they are searching for within a short time.

You won’t certainly want to spend time on a complicated website. Right? So, the smooth user experience offered by a website will leave a good impression on both users and Google, which will reflect on your ranking. When you focus on providing a good UI/UX design, you can literally witness an improvement in SERP and keyword rankings.

Types of User Experience

Here, we explain the major three types of UX design according to the professionals at Intersmart Solutions, the top web development company in Dubai.

  • Information
  • Interaction
  • Visual Design
  • Information Design 

Such designs focus on how information is structured together and presented to the audience. Information architect creates flows and navigation systems for a better understanding and smooth user experience.

  • Interaction design

This type of design focuses on how a visitor engages with your website. Components like grids, buttons and menus come under interactive design.

  • Visual Design

Visual designs are a treat to watch. The perfect collision of aesthetics and brand identity. Images, colour, typography. Finding the perfect balance between all these elements lies in the perfection of a visual design. Providing the user with a seamless experience will be the goal of the UX visual designer.

Why User Experience is Crucial to SEO

By now, you probably understand UX is quite essential to your site’s future.  But one of the main reasons why user experience matters to SEO is due to Google page experience updates, reveals the SEO experts Dubai.

After the March 2022 Google Page Experience update was rolled out, websites which had a poor user experience took a hit. Google’s page experience for desktop updates showed that websites with poor page experience scores did suffer some major ranking issues.

User Engagement Metrics That Affect SEO

Now, let’s take a look at the few metrics that have a great impact on SEO.

  1. Bounce Rate
  2. Page Dwell Time

These metrics will let the search engine know if your website is engaging or not.

  1. Bounce Rate

In simple terms, bounce rate is the percentage of users who are leaving your website after visiting one page. A high bounce rate indicates that a visitor finds your website uninteresting and did not find what they are looking for.

Even though many factors affect the bounce rate, common issues also include slow speed, irrelevant content and confusing and non-interesting UX designs.

  1. Page Dwell Time

Page dwell time can be described as the time taken by a user to spend on your page/website. Google does believes that prolonged user engagement on your website is a positive aspect. Alternatively, if people only stay a brief period on your site, Google also determines that the page was not informative or relevant to the search query.

People do engage with content if it matches their search intent. They will spend more time on your website when you focus on offering relevant content related to their search query. So, engaging users will enhance your metrics, which in turn improves your overall rankings.

UX Design Factors to Improve SEO

Now that we have an understanding of some of the primary metrics that take on a toll on SEO, let us look at how we can improve those metrics by focusing on certain UX factors. They are

  1. Mobile Responsiveness
  2. Page Speed
  3. Headers
  4. URL Structures
  5. Streamlined Menus

Mobile Responsiveness

50 % of website traffic is generated from mobile responsiveness. Websites that aren’t mobile responsive are certainly losing all those organic traffic. So, tailoring your site content and structure for mobile devices will have its benefits.

Page Speed

Everybody hates a slow-loading website. It’s a likely scenario that users will leave your website if it continues to take time more than 3 seconds.  It will also negatively add towards the bounce rate of your website.

Sometimes, certain things are out of your control. You can’t do anything much about a user’s slow internet connection. However, you can make sure that your website is optimized for mobile speed so that it doesn’t take a longer time to load.

URL Structures

URL structure is extremely important for a good user experience.


This is an example of the URL structure that will make you frustrated as hell. Just like users, search engines also use keywords in URLs to crawl and understand what the page is about.  If there aren’t any keywords, it will hurt your SEO.

You can try to implement URL structures that both users and search engines can easily understand For example, the link below shows an effective URL structure.


People absolutely hate being confused about where to navigate to find the content they are looking for. If the User interface isn’t audience-friendly, it will backfire on your SEO strategies.

Streamlined Menus

Undoubtedly, menus are the key components of a website and serve the function of guiding visitors to help with what they are looking for. However, jampacking the whole website into a menu will defeat the purpose. Using categories and subcategories will have a much more effective result.

5 Best E-commerce Marketing Channels for New Store Owners

The internet is busy and choosy whilst giving visibility to businesses. So, without marketing, it will be pretty tricky for your brand to grab new customers. But fear not, there are various kinds of channels available there to act as the perfect catalyst for your eCommerce business.

Choosing the best E-commerce website development in Dubai is a crucial step towards establishing a strong online presence, and choosing the right marketing channels can help new e-commerce store owners in Dubai to grow their business and reach their target audience effectively.

But how can you make sure that you are making the optimal choice?. In this blog, we’ll be discussing the 5 best commerce marketing channels for new owners. We’ll guarantee that you will be finding at least one or two channels perfect for your business.

What Are Marketing Channels?

These channels can be defined as the channels that are used to reach potential customers. It simply means the methods a company uses to communicate with their potential customers. It can be their products or even services. The channels can be online or offline, including social media, email marketing, SEO, paid advertising, direct mail, events, and more. The primary goal is to reach customers, create brand awareness, and generate sales from it. It’s crucial to utilize marketing channels in the best way for search engines to improve visibility and drive traffic to the website. By providing valuable content and building strong relationships with customers, companies can succeed in their marketing efforts.

Boost Your New E-commerce Store’s Success with These Top 5 Marketing Channels

Following are some of the best e-commerce strategies for business owners. Each of them offers different benefits and you choose one for the business that works the best for you.

Best Marketing Channels

  1. Influencer Marketing
  2. Social media marketing
  3. SMS & Email Marketing
  4. SEO
  5. PPC & Video Marketin
  • Influencer Marketing

You might not be new to influencer marketing. So, if you are a new store owner and looking for potential new customers, this is your best choice. Consumers tend to follow the recommendations of authority figures on social media platforms. Collabing with an influencer and introducing your brand to a loyal set of consumers will be the most effective strategy if executed properly. Even small influencers with a small audience have a huge impact.


  1. Builds Loyalty
  2. Cheaper
  3. Effective when executed properly.
  • Social media marketing

A prime choice among marketing channels, Consumers use popular social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, Instagram and Tiktok to know more about your brand during their buyer’s journey. This method is the best way to keep your brand name alive. Intersmart Solutions, the best social media marketing company in dubai offers personalized and data-driven solutions for your business needs.


  1. Recognition and growth with a global audience
  2. Shopping features to leverage your brand
  3. User-Generated-Content making things easier.
  • SMS & Email Marketing

SMS&Email are the OG means of communication and people are quite biased and show trust towards SMS&Email. When it comes to email marketing, emails are used throughout the buyer cycle, from the introduction to the last receipt you send to them. They attract your readers back to your website and form long-term interactions and relations with your audience.


  1. High Response and conversion rate
  2. Clear call to an action method
  3. Easy to set up and deploy
  • SEO 

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the method of optimising a website for high search engine results with terms related to your brand’s products and services. The more relevant exposure you receive, the more leads and sales you can generate from it.

The primary key is blogging with targeted and intent keywords. Even though SEO needs constant monitoring and optimization and a term strategy it is one of the apt methods for long-term benefits. Reach out to our digital marketing dubai experts for effective SEO solutions.


  1. SEO can boost sales
  2. Long-term growth
  3. Building remarkable audience
  • PPC & Video Marketing 

Choosing PPC is an excellent option for new e-commerce store owners with a limited budget. Simply put, it means paying ad networks to display your messages or banners about your service/products on search engines or other online media platforms. When it comes to video marketing, video material is currently preferred over all other types of content on social media platforms. You will take a double look / take pause if you see a video on your feed/timeline right? The videos can be used to generate educational tutorial, advertisements, educational advertisements, product demos, explainer videos, and many more.


  • Immediate results
  • Can take data-driven results to optimize and maximize ROI.
  • Video content gives a competitive edge, and boosts ideas and creativity


To sum it up, there are varieties of channels available for e-commerce marketing. With various sets of skills and spectrums. You can try as many channels as you like and figure out what works best for your business/website. For new e-commerce store owners, selecting the rightful one fit for your business will makes all the difference in achieving success. By leveraging a combination of social media, email, influencers, SEO, and PPC advertising, businesses can improve their visibility, attract new customers, and build long-term relationships with their target audience. With consistent effort and strategic planning, e-commerce businesses can find the perfect mix of channels to drive growth and achieve their goals.


Q: What are the best marketing channels for a new e-commerce store?

A: The top marketing channels for new e-commerce stores include social media marketing, email marketing, influencer marketing, SEO, and PPC advertising.

Q: How can social media marketing help a new e-commerce store?

A: Social media can help a new e-commerce store reach a wider audience, build brand awareness, and drive traffic to the website through targeted ads, sponsored content, and engaging with followers.

Q: What are some key email marketing strategies for new e-commerce stores?

A: It includes building a subscriber list, segmenting the audience based on interests and behaviors, using personalized messaging and offers, and automating campaigns to save time and improve efficiency.


Why Aren’t My Google Ads Converting? Reasons & Solution

Advertising can be a daunting task when you don’t know what to prioritize and where to implement the ads. It requires professional and experienced knowledge to create the ads according to the best practices of Google to drive traffic and conversions to your website. This blog will answer Why Aren’t My Google Ads Converting? Reasons & Solution. Read along to find effective ways to acquire traffic and conversions.

Reasons & Solution

Use of Keywords

You have to understand what type of keywords to use to let the audience know you. Keywords are certain words that are included in the website for using search engine optimization to drive traffic effectively. They are often updated as per the topics on trend, events in the news as well as the components user type when they search for anything online. You can approach our digital marketing company in Dubai to assist in implementing the right keywords that can reward you with remarkable results.

Solution: The first and foremost thing you have to do while taking keywords is to research as your ad campaign ramps on. You can find new ways to express your service using the right keywords or even phrases that are famous in your niche. Third-party websites can help you in creating keywords according to the trends and topics on Google, you can also search for popular keywords as this can give you insights on suitable keywords to let the audience see your ads. In this way, the traffic will go rising for your ads as the people with interest in your service will reach you with the help of effective content marketing.

Low Budget

Budgeting is a vital part of marketing on platforms like Google, Facebook, or Instagram to run a successful campaign. Budgeting in an ideal way can turn out marvelous conversions. Whether you are an amateur or a huge business owner who uses Google ads to enhance their brand, you have to remember that you are competing with everyone big or small. It might be kind of overwhelming but there are various options for you to engage in conversions and clicks, regardless of your services and products.

Solution: You have to set realistic goals when starting out, do not expect overnight success with just Google Ads, and most certainly not for several weeks. Note that PPC (pay-per-click) ads are not exactly cheap so you should focus more on the use of keywords. In this way, the target audience is in your area to see and know more about your content and services. Get PPC services in Dubai to get the outcome for your ads, enhance performance, and implement changes according to that.

Usage of Ad Extensions

The users are shown information on contact based on the product when they use their smartphone to click on Google Ads. If a campaign enables people to obtain a product’s contact information, the intention is typically local to the user’s location. These are the people who are curious about things nearby where they live currently. Ad extensions are used to do this and without ad extensions, you would run the risk of having consumers click on the advertisements, view them, and then never follow up on conversions.

Solution: Ad extensions are only beneficial for the users to call with numbers, but links to your business website can be placed in them. They are specifically operated by Google, though they are usually put on by the companies in browsers. Almost half of the Google searches are basically looking for the products in the nearby area, so the numbers as well as links related to the niche recommend localized businesses.

Inappropriate Content on the Website

This is a very important aspect when users visit your website. Target audiences are shown content to let them be attracted to know more about the services they might need. And when the ad becomes irrelevant to the content that is presented on the website, the first thing the user does is leave. So keep in mind that the products or services that are mentioned in the ad should be visible on the site.

Solution: you have to make sure that the value propositions are exactly the same as the ads and the landing page. Don’t even change the colors, borders, designs, and logos, basically both the ad and landing page should contain the same product or service. You don’t want your visitors to get to something they haven’t searched for. So if a product or service is claimed on the ads, it should be no different when they visit the landing page.

Not Using Geo-Targeting

You own a business and want to make use of Google ads to improve the local internet in accessing your products and services. How will you get this? The simple answer is to take up an ad campaign in the exact location of your business. You have used PPC along with ad campaigns, but there are no results as the users cannot access your site. However, few numbers of the user outside the region you have targeted have clicked on the ads. Yet they are not converted because of the distance they are from your location. Geotargeting can be expensive if it is not used in a certain way as more ads are used for the people that have no mind of converting, so it can be futile.

Solution: You have to know about geotargeting before starting an ad campaign as it is always better to have a target on who you want to view the ads. Some of the niches are operated nationally that have greater chances of getting conversions in certain cities. When some products are advertised, demographic information is also significant. More conversions will come from a city’s primary demographic groupings if your adverts reflect topics that are more popular with those groups.

To conclude, Ads don’t come with a result tag as it is not achieved in a day. It requires time and professional expertise to know the techniques and implement strategies to drive traffic to your website with the help of quality content and creative ads. It is vital to take an effort in creating strategies and implementing them. Inter Smart can assist you in effective conversions and leading traffic to your website that can boost your sales and business.

Is ChatGPT your secret weapon for SEO content editing?

ChatGPT and OpenAI are undoubtedly the town’s talks centred around content creation. Even though ChatGpt cannot outsmart proper SEO tools like Ahrefs and Semrush, the tool can be used for specific functions beyond churning out repetitive and nonsensical content all at once. The experts at Intersmart Solutions point out that SEO pros are already putting chatGPT to work.

When it comes to SEO in a post-ChatGPT era, many are curious about machine-generated content. Many are wondering if it has an impact on search engine rankings and SEO programmes. As the answers evolve eventually, let’s take a look at how ChatGpt can be an aid for content editing for SEO according to our SEO wizards.

ChatGPT as an Editing Tool

Let’s take a look at how chatGPT can be a game-changer for content creators and SEO gurus. We know how fast ChatGPT can generate answers. But the tools tend to churn out a chunk of content which may not necessarily align with your goals. So, you’ll end up with additional work of editing out unnecessary data.

So start with :

  • Setting Clear Goals 

As Google always says, content for the people, identify your target audience and define the purpose of your content. Make sure to choose and mention the content format ie blog, news, newsletter, article, social media post etc. Also giving ChatGPT a clear role in the conversation helps frame the answers more accurately. Are they an editor? A writing assistant? A researcher?

Example for the prompt: I’m writing a book and you’re my editor. Make sure that you are editing and making sure the content is aligned to the goals.

  • Research and Context

ChatGPT can be your research assistant. The AI tool can provide information based on the info we give it. Ask the right questions and you will get summaries of complex matters and can learn new things and concepts. It can also help you with finding additional topics related to your subject that can be added to your content. Many SEOs or persons in charge of managing a large number of pages despise writing meta descriptions. And ChatGPT can do it for you within seconds.

  • Prompt Hacks

If you want accurate data, feed the AI with reliable sources and data. Also, make sure to

use coincide and precise instructions. Remember to ask for templated, consistent outputs so you can refine the prompts as you go along. Prompt iteratively.

Ex.: Give me a concise, bulleted list of trendy SEO services

  • Answers with a Personality

You can also ask it to rewrite/modify the desired passage with ‘tones’ like, informal, casual, friendly, and educational for gaining a better out Put. Ask for the content in different styles including, how-to and lists and bullet points. ChatGPT is also capable of rewriting the content for different English levels of people. Make the algorithm work for you.

  • Enhance Creativity

You can also use ChatGPT o brainstorm ideas or One can also generate content outlines for content structures using this tool. It can provide titles and suitable subtitles for your content. ‘Also, it can generate effective H1, H2 and FAQs related to your blog or web content related to your article, points outs’, says the creative experts at Intersmart Solutions.

  • Editing and Proofreading 

Always double-check the chatGPT output. Besides the over-dumping data, keep in mind that ChatGPT’s knowledge is limited to 2021 data, which means it won’t be able to answer some questions precisely. Make sure to edit the generated content for clarity, coherence and conciseness. ChatGPT can also help you to format your blog content that can be used for further optimization. You need to make sure that your generated content goes hand in hand with the brand voice. The human touch is important when it comes to creating quality content.

  • Internal Links 

Now, a post-conversion from a Google Doc or Word Doc is a common task as part of the editorial workflow. ChatGPT can complete this task very quickly. The experts at our SEO services Dubai reveal that ChatGPT is also capable of adding internal links to the generated content.

  • Collaboration &Ethics 

You can ChatGPT as a collaborative tool for your team. Make sure that your content aligns with the ethical guidelines.

Google’s Stance on AI Content 

Google is mainly focusing on the ‘people first’ phrase when it comes to content generation. The content should not be written for manipulating the search engine results. Focus on the quality of the content rather than the production side has always been Google’s approach. The Google content outline focuses on E-E-A-T, creating relevant, reliable and people-first content on their page.

Few Caveats to Consider Before Using ChatGPT 

Now that you have an understanding of how ChatGPT and its automation works, here are some matters you should be keeping in mind before starting your editing journey with the AI tool.

  1. ChatGPT often generates answers that might include inaccurate data. It can cause some confusion if you are not familiar with the topic you are generating. So, proofreading by a human is done before publishing the content.
  2. The AI tool has been trained using data from 2021 and before that. As of this writing, it cannot crawl the web, therefore the information it creates may be out of date.
  3.  So far, there is no specific penalty for using AI material as long as it is useful. But, a lot of AI content is easily detectable with its repetitive and spam pattern, there’s no guarantee that Google’s approach will remain consistent in the future.

Conclusively, we can safely assert that Chat GPT has revolutionized the content editing sphere by providing an array of innovative features. This platform enables users to have a more convenient and efficient content editing experience with its automated suggestions, adept conversational AI capabilities, and its native integration into popular tools. It is clear that Chat GPT stands out from other alternatives due to its unique capacity for collaboration and scalability; what’s more, it has enabled many organizations to receive accurate edits for their documents.

Dropped Pins in Google Maps – How to Pin a Location and Remove a Pin

It is easy nowadays to get to a location to see a friend while they wait for you. As technology advances it is getting so much easier that we don’t have to work or make an effort. But what if the place you are supposed to meet is an old road, a huge park, or even an unnamed place? of course, it can get daunting and it is time-consuming to search for a place you don’t know. What if I say there is a way out of it? And google is the saviour as always. In this blog, let’s know more about Dropped Pins in Google Maps – How to Pin a Location and Remove a Pin. if you are a business person, you can seek a digital marketing agency UAE to get you precise location services and to effectively gain new customers to reach your business.

You are making the GPS to coordinate your spot when you drop a pin in the accurate location. In this way, you are telling them your exact location and not the nearest address. They can reach you even if the place is unknown. So how do you do it exactly? Let’s know more about the steps you have to follow to add as well as remove a pin from Google Maps from your phone and PC.

How to add a pin on your PC?

First of all, open the browser and go to Google Maps to start the process of dropping a pin. You are supposed to get an accurate location and narrow down the search area of where you are in the Search Google Maps. Now you are pretty much closer to zooming in a little. And finally, drop your pin at the exact location and then right-click to select ‘directions to here’ from the drop-down.

You can then add the starting point of where your friend is coming from and Google will automatically show you the way to the chosen spot. You have to share the location to direct them towards you and for that, click the hamburger button with three horizontal bars on the left upper side to select ‘share or embed maps’ from the dropdown list. You will then get an option to share the link where you can share it with your friend. Now it is way easier for your friend to find you.

You might no longer need the destination so you need to remove the pin from Google Maps in order to search for a new location.

How to remove the pin on your PC?

You can remove the pin from Google Maps by simply right-clicking on the pin and selecting ‘remove this destination’. You can see it is gone automatically without any further processing.

How to add a pin on your phone?

Just like we did on the PC, it is super easy to drop a pin on the phone. First of all, you have to open Google Maps to navigate the location and search for your exact destination. As we did before, zoom in to find the exact place you would like to pin. Then press the location until a tiny red pin drops. Then you will get some options to choose from at the bottom. The following are the options:

  • Get directions from a place to the chosen spot.
  • Mark and label the place for future reference.
  • Share GPS coordinates with anyone via a link, text, email, and many more.
  • Download the location to access it offline.

The next thing you have to do is to share the location to be accessed by the friend who is waiting for your location to start their journey. You can share the location in the same way as you did on the PC. Select the ‘directions’ tab and enter a starting point to get the directions from the address that is selected using a pin.

How to remove the pin on your phone?

It is so much easier to remove the pin than to drop it. Just simply hit the x button on the search field and it will disappear automatically.

Dropped Pin Features on Google Maps

Let’s know more about the drop pin features in the following.

  • Save a location

You can save a location using the save option on the pop-over that is shown on the side. You can put that destination into default lists like Want to go and favourites, once you click Save. you can check out these saved pins in the hamburger icon that is inside the Your places tab in the Maps setting area. It is just the same in the smartphone, just tap on the Save option after dropping the pin which is followed by selecting the list and clicking Done to save at the top-right corner of the smartphone.

  • Share a location

By clicking on the Share option, you can get a link to the pin location. On PC, you can copy and share the location with anyone. On a smartphone, you can share the location as a text message, on Twitter, on WhatsApp, and practically with any application.

  • Send to phone

This explanatory feature allows you to share the location in an instant with the phone or email that is linked to your Google account.

  • Add a label to the pin

You can scroll down to the pop-up side and click ‘Add a label’ to put a label on the selected pin location followed by writing and adding the label name. At this time, the label will sync to the device for that same google account. It is certain that when others search for a location, they cannot see this pin. You can add labels on smartphones by clicking on the Label at the bottom of the application, you can type the name of the pin and select Add a label that is below the typing space.

To reiterate, you can always find your friend accurately without being baffled about where they could be if there is any glitch with their location. With the improvement in technology, everything is advancing, especially Google Maps and you don’t have to stop your car in every place to know the address you are searching for. Google Maps shows the ways to get you to the destination you have been searching for. Sometimes people take a different route and end up in a place they don’t know it is because of the inaccurate pinning in Google Maps. mapping apps are not only saviours but also companions of many travel lovers who venture into various unknown territories, especially by car. Our digital marketing agency Dubai can get you impeccable services to enhance your visibility online.